forty seven

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"Hey lady, you want a fucking hotdog?"

Oh how I loved the busy streets of London on a sunny spring afternoon. I politely declined the food stall guy and tightened my fingers around Harry's hand. He only laughed at me and continued to feed candy floss to Annabel, who was sitting on his shoulders.

We were on the way to collect Noah, and Harry was extremely nervous. Not because he hadn't seen Noah in about a month, but because Aria decided to share custody with him (again.) and he wanted to know her conditions. I was playing his girlfriend again, per his request.

I mean, I wasn't really acting. We were doing things we would normally do except this time we had a label on it.

After that morning when he said he loved me, Ana interrupted and climbed in beside us. Thank god she was sleep walking and didn't notice us both half naked. But also, he never repeated those words and I never had the courage to ask if he meant it or not.

It was quite frustrating, to say the least

We marched over to the meeting spot and Harry set Annabel onto the grass, where she ran off towards Noah who was walking over to us in the distance. Aria and her boyfriend followed behind him and I gasped, "Harry, she's fucking pregnant!"

"What? No. Oh, fuck." His mouth fell agape as her large bump came into view.

"How did you not see it last month?" I asked him, not taking my eyes off of her. He just remained silent and I was about to ask him more but Aria beat me to it.

"Harry," she acknowledged. "Maelynn."

The sour expression on her face repulsed me and I suddenly found my shoes very interesting as she continued to squeak. Harry's eyes, however, couldn't leave her stomach. He looked worried and I began to worry too, was it his kid? I swear s if it's his...

"You're pregnant?" He asked her, sounding a little disappointed actually.

She looked down at her bump and then back up at us. Her boyfriend only smiled at me and I awkwardly returned it as we all stood in awkward silence for about a minute.

"None of your business." She snapped. "I need you to take Noah for a few weeks, he doesn't know and I don't need him to know." She told Harry.

"But like, he's going to notice a fucking baby in the house." I snickered, looking from Aria to Harry, who shot me a disapproving look.

"I'm not keeping her." She said in disgust. "One is enough, she's being adopted by a little Japanese family or whatever. Stay out of it." She barked at me.

I whistled lowly and stepped back, letting them discuss their fucked up problems and I put my attention on the kids. My heart stopped when I couldn't see them for a few minutes but I then found them up in a tree laughing.

I let them talk for ten minutes before I got bored and dragged Harry away, telling Aria to piss off and we were all set. Harry took my hand and we walked towards the kids. "Thanks." He told me.

"For?" I asked, looking up at hi from the side.

"I don't know. You just make me feel better when she's around, and the fake girlfriend thing helps too." He smiles cutely and I half smiled back. Why'd he have to mention it all being fake.

"What's wrong?" He quickly questioned, as if his sixth sense was sensing my mood. I laughed and crossed my arms over while my feet lazily walked me towards the trees.

"It just feels weird when you say it's fake, yet we do it all anyways." I scoffed.

"Yeah, I guess." He shrugged. "Does it bother you?" He pushed. His intense eyes looked into mine for a few seconds and I looked away, feeling slightly intimidated.

"Not really. I'm just confused about like...what we are." I admitted. Normally I felt nervous around Harry but seeing his cheeks go a shade darker I realized I made him just as nervous.

"Well I mean, I thought it was just a given that we were back together?" He rose a brow and I tilted my head. Sorry? Repeat, please?

"What?" I laughed. "Did you just decide this now?"

He smiled a little and his eyes began to squint under the sun. "Kind of. Did it work?" He grinned.

"Harry.." I sighed. His smile fell, and I felt like I shot a puppy.

"Mae..." he teased.

"Do you want us to be together again?" I asked him nervously. I played with my hands out of nervous habit and chewed on my bottom lip. I don't think this was the best idea I've ever had.

He nodded, "Do you?"

"Well yeah but,"

"But you think I'm going to do what I did the last time?" He questioned, pursing his lips and shoving his hands into his pockets in defeat.

"Kind of. No, but I'm scared." I truthfully told him. He nodded understandingly and then surprised me by taking my hands.

"Just say yes and let whatever happens, happen." He reassured me. I thought about it, frightened that he never said he wouldn't do it again, but also very happy that he wanted this as much as I did.

"Okay." I groaned, "fine."

He smiled eagerly and kissed me quickly, which earned a chorus of eww's from the kids which made us laugh. Am I being dumb? Yes

But am I happy? Heck yes.

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