thirty four

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The sharp pain of sunlight going directly into my eyes is what woke me up, not Harry's angry footsteps stomping around the room. I groaned loudly, just letting him know he was annoying me but he didn't seem to care.

"Get up." He ordered. I went to sit up but I was attacked by another sharp pain but this time in my head. "I can't." I whined. I was too hungover for this shit.

"Well we have to collect Annabel, she's sick at camp and wants to go home. So get up." He ordered again, this time combing over and whipping the covers off of my naked body. I screamed and pulled a pillow over me as my eyes went wide. "What the fuck!" I yelled at him.

His eyes were wide too and he covered his face until I was able to get some clothes on. "I didn't know! I'm sorry!" He yelled back.

I pulled a sweater and some yoga pants on, quickly pushing him out of my room. "I don't even know why you're here, leave." I muttered.

He stopped to a halt. "Do you not remember the events of last night?" He asked me. He looked disappointed so I take it that the events weren't good.

I began to link everything together and connect the dots one by one, Wait, I was naked. My mouth fell agape. "Oh- did we?"

He shook his head. "No. I don't know why you were naked." He fought a smile and turned away as we walked towards the kitchen.

"You decided to sell six hundred shots last night by making out with every Tom dick and Harry, then took part in the Champagne pop and got extremely drunk on the job." He told me blatantly.

His tone was not happy. In fact, he seemed extremely pissed. I just laughed. "Oh yeah."

"Oh yeah." He mocked me, grabbing his keys and leading us out the door and to the elevators. "You're the mother of my child and employee, what were you thinking?" He asked me.

I looked up at him as the elevator doors closed. I felt guilty, I carried on like a careless teen on a night out and it was unacceptable. I can only imagine what Harry thinks of me now. His eyes looked into mine for a few seconds before I looked away and sulked to myself.

We both trudged through the lobby as though he was my father dragging his disappointing drunk daughter home. I sheepishly smiled at the reception workers as Harry's hand linked with mine to pull me towards the doors.

He walked so fast and my body ached with each step. I just wanted to curl up in bed and die for a few hours. I then remembered where we were going and perked up as we buckled up in the car. "Wait, what's wrong with Ana?" I asked worryingly.

"Nothing. I just needed you to get up, we're going for lunch and then I need you to help me with something." He casually admitted.

I sunk lower into the seat and groaned loudly- again. "You're a prick."

He simply hired up the radio and smiled to himself as he drove. While we drove for a few moments not speaking I began to think about him and his girlfriend, my heart sinking a little.

"So what's her name?" I asked him. I looked over at the side of his face as he focused on the road, noticing how his jaw clenched and relaxed over and over again as he cursed the bad drivers ahead of him.

"Who's name?" He asked carelessly.

"Your girlfriends.." I smirked. His face turned to face me, then back to the road. He looked concerned and ended up going faster.

"She's not my girlfriend. We've just been on a few dates over the last few weeks." He admitted.

I wasn't sure if I wanted to hear this from him. I felt comfort knowing he was happy and moving on but my heart still hurt when I thought about him with another girl, being a happy family with Noah and Ana while I stayed at home with no social life.

I remained silent, not sure if I should poke and get more information or mind my business. I minded my business, and then Harry decided not to mind his own.

"You seeing anybody?" He asked casually. I paused, do I tell him the truth or lie?

"Yes." I blurted out. I was shocked with what came from my mouth but Harry was too. He nodded slowly, "Who?"

I thought over and over, I didn't know any men. But then I had an idea.

"Alex. You know the guy I work with?" I nervously admitted. His hands tightened around the wheel and I laughed in my head. He was annoyed.

"You mean the shot boy? The guy who had you on the bar dancing half naked?" He asked sourly.

"Yup." I responded. Harry sighed and shook his head, telling me he had no words yet kept talking about how I could do better.

Meanwhile, I was freaking out in my head wondering how I was going to convince Alex to go along with this.

Harry pulled into a cute diner and we ate lunch for awhile before he decided he needed my help with something, we were sitting in his car in a sketchy looking parking lot of an abandoned McDonalds, while Harry still wouldn't tell me why I was needed.

He tapped on the steering wheel nervously and I sighed in annoyance. "Are you a drug dealer?" I asked him. He rolled his eyes and continued to sit in silence.

"When a white car rolls in I need you to get out and get Noah. Her boyfriend is dropping him off to me and I want him to think I have a hot girlfriend. I don't want him thinking I'm bothered." He confessed.

I laughed loudly, very much happy that I came along to witness this. Harry was a psycho sometimes and no one believes me, but this was a great example. I rolled up my sleeves and cockily smiled at him. "You think I'm hot?"

His cheeks tinted pink and my ego was sky high in that moment, he rarely got embarrassed with me but this was one of those times.

"I mean, I did date you and we've fucked. So, yeah." He remained calm and it was my turn to feel embarrassed. My own cheeks were hot and I was so glad to see the car pull up beside us. I opened the door and stepped out, walking to the car. Arias, what I assume to be, boyfriend walked out too. He waved to me as a friendly gesture and pulled the door open for Noah to hop out.

"Mae!" Noah cheered. He ran towards me and I knelt down with open arms. He looked so different, his hair was cut to a buzz cut and I momentarily mourned the loss of his curls. His skin was so tanned and he had put on a little weight. I squeezed him tight and kissed his forehead. "Hi, buddy. Did you have a good time?" I smiled down at him. He nodded eagerly and I told him his dad was waiting for him in the car while Arias boyfriend walked to me.

"Here's his bag," He smiled at me and handed me his stuff. I gladly took it and actually almost swooned over how attractive this guy was. He looked foreign- Spanish maybe. And his accent was dreamy. His dark brown eyes stared into mine for a second as I thanked him, he thanked me at the same time. We laughed and said our goodbyes. Woah.

I put Noah's bags into the trunk and got in the passengers side. He was sitting on Harry's lap, facing his dad and telling him about his trip while Harry smiled adoringly.

He turned to me, that cheerful look back on his face that I had missed. "Was he okay?" He asked me. I nodded.

"Yeah, He was lovely. And hot." I admitted, buckling up. Harry's face fell into a frown as Noah climbed into the back seat and buckled up too.

I laughed and Harry took off, all three of us heading home.

better now > sequel to neighbours. [HS]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu