A break, // 🇩🇪 Germany X Poland 🇵🇱

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Maybe the most innocent ship I could find.
Idk if you could count it as innocent.
Compared to the others ^^;;
Anyways, enjoy!

~ Third Person POV ~

Germany was sitting down on his work space stressed and had too much coffee. At this point he was too tired to be even working. He hadn't gotten much sleep and keeps overworking himself.

His boyfriend, poland, wasn't too fond of how he was doing, either. He wanted his boyfriend to take a break from work and get to bed with him. Since these past few nights he'd been sleeping alone with his boyfriend in the other room. Poland never wanted to see germany like this. But Germany was just stubborn, everytime Poland would try and get him to come to bed with him or even move from his desk he would refuse and just say, " no I'm busy " or something along the lines of that. Poland didn't want to take that as an answer this night.

Poland entered his boyfriends office and just saw germany writing down on some papers and a bunch of other papers on the sides of his desk.

" Niemcy? " poland said walking abit into the office. Germany didn't react since he didn't hear him. Poland thought that he was ignoring him. " Niemcy. Are.. You okay?" poland said even getting closer to his boyfriends desk. Germany let go of his pen and put his head on the table. " hey... Polen. " he said it in such a tired tone poland couldn't help but feel sad. " did you not sleep last night-? You sound Terrible.. " Germany didn't respond to that. And poland took it as a no.  " germany. Cmon. Come and sleep with me this night.. I feel so lonely and feel like we aren't even together when you just stay at you're office on a daily basis.. " germany just flinched abit at poland calling him that. He usually doesn't.

" I'll be right there polen. Just a second.. " poland shook his head. " No.. You always say that.. " The German sighed and stood up going over to poland that is infront of the door and kissed him on the forehead, and held his hands, " trust me tonight. Okay?" poland hesitated. But nodded. He knew deep inside that he wasn't gonna come. But wanted to give him a chance..

" now, go change and wait in our room, I'll just put these away and I'll be with you shortly. " germany said and poland nodded with a tiny smiled on his face, as he left the room. Germany couldn't believe he had made the small country this sad since he started working. It's been hard. But he didn't want the country to feel alone without him. So he just put away his papers some where left here and there, the others went in drawers and the pens in a small drawer. He then got out of his office, closed the lights, and the door. He started going down the hall and then looked at they're bedroom door. He saw Poland taking off his shirt germany blushed abit, he was used to seeing his body. ( that sounded weird-)

Poland turned around and saw germany, " hey! You actually came!" poland smiled and looked at Germany. Germany came closer, bit he wasn't focused on his smile, he was more focused on the scares that hadn't healed around Poland's body. " do they still hurt, polen?" poland shook his head. Germany nodded. " cmon. I gotta change as well, you seem happy that I'm here. " " of course Niemcy! It's been so long since we've actually slept together in the same bed! " poland said excitement in his tone of voice as he began to put on his shirt. As Germany began to take off his. " okay, okay, don't get too excited. " poland then just smiled and plopped onto they're bed and pulled the covers over himself, waiting for Germany to come and join him, " do you mind if I sleep shirtless?" " No, Niemcy,, you're my boyfriend. God. " germany smiled and walked over to his side of the bed and layed down next to Poland.

Poland instantly clung onto germany. Missing his warmth.

" You know, when I see you at your desk, Niemcy, it makes me feel bad.. " Germany was confused. " how so?" poland sighed. " it feels like I'm not good enough for you,.. And that you're trying to kick me out of you're life little by little while doing you're stupid work. " Germany was going to argue that he said that his work was stupid. But since he heard the rest he just felt hurt. " polen, why would you think that-!? I would never replace you over a thin piece of paper! " poland giggled Abit.

Poland sighed, " let's just go to bed. It's getting late anyways. 11:13pm. " poland said looking at the clock hanging from the wall infront of they're bed.

^^ time skip; 3:47am ^^

Germany woke up to a sound of a soft sobbing. He wasn't sure who, or what would've caused it. But he had a thought on who.

He opened his eyes and looked at the side of his bed. Where his boyfriend was sleeping. And indeed, it was Poland that is letting out those soft sobs. " Liebe?  Warum bist du wach? " poland flinched when he heard germany's voice from behind him. He wiped the tears quickly and looked behind him to see a tired German. Waiting for an answer. " Niemcy? I'm sorry... If I woke you up.. " Germany felt abit guilty. The tiny country looked like they've been crying for hours. " No no,  it's fine.. But why are you up at such hour?" The Polish didn't answer. He looked away and just wiped another tiny set of tears off his eyes. Poland then flinched when Germany put his hands around his waist and nuzzled to the other counties neck. Germany then closed his eyes and said,  with a calming tone. " we're you crying?.. I heard sobs. " poland just looked down.

" I... Was.. " poland didn't want to talk. But he knew his boyfriend wouldn't let go of him. Later germany sat up on the bed and pulled poland in his lap to attempt to make poland comfortable. and it worked. " so.. Why where you crying?" poland pulled himself closer to his boyfriend. " I.. Had a nightmare.. " germany smiled softly.. But still sad that his lover had a little bad dream. " You could've woken me up polen.. " Germany said putting his head on top of the smaller country in his lap, " I didn't want to wake you up.. I know you don't sleep with me often.. I wanted you to have a good night's rest.. " The bigger country didn't say a word. But then he broke the silence himself. " Liebe .. es ist in Ordnung. If you ever need me, wake me up or call me. Heck,  if it makes you feel any better I'll start to sleep with you more often. It makes me feel bad when I know that you're having these nightmares and I'm not there to comfort you.. "

Poland giggled, tiny tears dripping and falling onto the bed sheets. " You really would sleep with me again like the old times?" " I'll try, Liebe."

Germany let go of the small country and he went back down onto his pillow. And signalled poland to come and lay next to him. And so the other did. " if you wake up again, wake me up too okay?" The small country nodded and snuggled up to Germany. " goodnight Niemcy.. " poland said and closed his eyes..

"..Gute Nacht Engel...  "

The last thing Germany said before both of them going off into deep slumber.

^^ The next day; 10am ^^

Germany woke up the next day and didn't feel like getting up. He opened this eyes and saw that none was there.

Soon he looked at the bathroom him and poland had to share and saw that poland was brushing his teeth. " goodmorning Niemcy!" he said,  still tooth paste in his mouth. Germany looked at the clock and saw it was 10. He panicked. " oh SCHEISSE- why didn't you wake me up at 6?? I'm supposed to head to a meeting and-" " UN meeting? Please, If we had one I'd be going too. But UN canceled it, due to half the countries in a busy situation. " poland said after he put down his tooth brush. Germany was tired as heck. So he just went back and tried to fall back asleep.

" don't sleep for too long, Sleeping beauty. Imma be making some breakfast. " "Roger that. " germany said before dozing off to sleep again.


Hecc yea! A chapter after 4 days-

Hopefully you like it. I really love it to be honest.
Not too long, not too short 👌

1429 words

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