//Chapter Eight//

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"And Silence engulfed the world like a coat of smoke"-Lance

"Keith!" A voice echoed, a loud scream of terror piercing the air afterwards. Keith found himself standing in front of his parents, who lay on the tinted grass, as still as the trees when the wind doesn't feel like dancing. He felt his throat tighten, and he fell to his knees.

"M-Mom.. dad.. im sorry.. i really am.." he cried, and lifted his head quickly to see the man who had harmed them. His eyes glinted with pure hate, sending a rattling fear through Keith's bones. The man lunged forwards to grab Keith, only to fail as Keith stood and ran out of the way.

As Keith ran, he caught a glimpse of blue in the corner of his eyes, and he turned his head quickly to see the blue jay, its vibrant colors leaving a trail behind it as it flew. Keith felt panic in his veins, and he took off after it, not wanting it to leave.

The bird flew off past a few trees, and over a bridge, to the waters. Keith gripped the bars of the bridge in longing, "NO! PLEASE! COME BACK!" He shouted. After a moment, he hopped onto the bridge, and jumped, trying to grab hold of the bird, "WAIT! PLEASE!"

The bird had stopped and turned to look at him, and Keith began to fall, his mind spiraling. He screamed, and closed his eyes tightly-


Keith jolted awake with a scream, shaking. This startled Lance, who shot up from his bed and immediately hopped up, almost falling over from how unsteady his legs are, "Keith?! Are you okay?!" He asked, making his way over to the couch where Keith had laid, his eyes wide in concern.

Keith started sobbing, and allowed himself to be hidden in Lance's embrace. He moved over so lance could get on the couch with him, however, Lance moved him so that he was laying on top of the cuban boy. Lance then hugged him tightly, and kept him close enough so that Keith could feel his pulsing heartbeat against his skin.

Lance put a hand to the back of Keith's head and hid him, shaking a bit himself, "Calm down buddy. Its okay. Was it that nightmare again?" He asked, his voice low and soft, as to not make things worse for him. Keith only gave a nod, sobbing.

Lance sighed quietly, and hugged the paler boy a little tighter, "Its okay.. you are safe now.. things are okay, take deep breaths" Lance murmured, wishing more than anything that Keith would stop crying. He hated seeing him like this.

"Have you been taking your pills to help with this?" Lance asked after a moment, beginning to run his hands through Keith's hair, which was a bit difficult when Keith shook his head no, "N-No.. i haven't."

"Well, you need to start again, yeah?" Lance asked, now braiding Keith's hair, which Keith seemed to start focusing on, his breathing beginning to slow. He took this opportunity to kiss the boy on the head, and Keith tensed up, his face turning a slight crimson, "L-Lance?" He asked.

Lance looked at him, a small smile growing on his face, "Sorry. I had to, its not everyday i get a cute boy to lay on a couch with me" he half joked, trying to make Keith smile, which was a success. Keith ended up hiding in his arms, "You suck"

"I know, I know" lance chuckled, finishing another braid in Keith's hair, then giving a sigh and resting his hands on Keith's back, "Keith, can i ask you a question?"

Keith lifted his head a little and looked at Lance, a pink tint dancing on his face. His violet eyes showed a mixture of confusion and slight hope, "Yeah?"

Lance paused for a moment, then lowered his hands to set them back like he was relaxing, his arms cross behind his head, "Your pills. What exactly do they do?" He asked, his blue eyes now slightly saddened as he gazed upon the pale boy. This made Keith's heart tighten.

"My pills?" He asked then looked away, "They.. are supposed to help me sleep, so that i don't wake up from nightmares like that" he sighed, "But i don't take them because.. I'm worried ill overdose."

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