Part 55

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We saw that our house had been broken into. Payton pulled me close to him. Josh volunteered to be tribute to go in first. There was broken glass everywhere on the floor. Payton pulled me closer to him. Josh and kiki walked around a corner and disappeared. "stop this isn't funny! " I said. There was no reply. Chase looked at me. Payton put his hands around my waist and pulled me super close to him. Chase walked near the corner and was gone. "Chase this isn't funny!" I said. I felt a hand on my shoulder I turn around and I saw a flash of black hair before it went dark. I opened my eyes and saw. Cash, Sophia, the stokes twins, Brent, mychael, maverick and the Dolan twins. " Ethan and Grayson is that you?" I said. "oh yeah, long time no see" Grayson said. Cash appeared holding Sophia's hand. "sophia please let us go" I said. "no" she said. "you said you would never turn evil" I said. "well I lied." she said. I sat there and death stared her. "boys get payton first." she said. "NO!" I screamed. Grayson put his hand on payton and dragged him toward sophia and cash by his hair. I could see payton crying. "STOP IT! STOP! " I screamed. Chase grabbed my hand. He tried to comfort me the best he could while being tied up. Sophia put a knife to his throat. "NO! DONT DO THIS" I screamed. "keep your girl in check payton or she is next." cash said. "baby I'm fine" payton said. I started to accept the fact that Payton was a goner. All of a sudden Jackson burst through the door.  He kicked sophia in the back of the leg and she fell to the ground while holding onto payton. This made a whole fight break out. I crawled to Payton. I rolled him over and the knife. Went straight into him. Everyone stopped and looked at us. "No,  no, no this shouldn't have been you it should have been me that got hurt not you. Why?  You mean the world to me." I cried. All the bad guys fled the scene apart from Ethan. He walked over to me and hugged me. "what are you doing?" I replied. "look I'm not bad. I'm here to help you and stay with you." he said. I just hugged him. I looked at payton. "CALL AN AMBULANCE!" I yelled. Ethan called an ambulance. I drove in the car with kiki to the hospital I was crying. The road was wet. All of a sudden it all went black...........
What happened to them???

The Secret RomanceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora