Part 3

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He grabbed his bag and kissed me goodbye on my forehead. After cash had left maverick asked " Do you wanna a do a Starbucks run?". "Yeah I do." I said excitedly. Maverick grabbed his car keys and we raced to the car. We jumped in the car and drove toward a Starbucks drive through. "The closes Starbucks is 10 minutes away". He informed me." that's ok babe". I said. As we drove he reached out and held my hand I leaned my head on his shoulder. We arrived at Starbucks. "Do you want the usual baby?". He asked. "Yes please babe, with ice." I said. The Starbucks barista said " hi how may I help you today?". Maverick replied  "Can I please get a pink drink with ice.". The barista said " Is that all today?". "Yes". Maverick replied. "19.99 please drive through" the barista said. " what name on the cup will it be?" The barista also said. "Baby this is for you. please."Maverick said. "here is your drink sir ."the barista said."thank you" he replied. Maverick gave me my drink I read the cup and leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. " thank you babe." I said  "Your welcome baby". Maverick said. Maverick suggested " do you want to go shopping? " . " yeah sure." I replied. He parked the car and we got out we started walking toward the mall it was cold and I had forgotten my jumper. Maverick noticed I was cold and gave me His bomber jacket to wear. He held my hand and we entered the mall. "Hey baby". " yeah?". " Can I please have some pink drink? ". "Yeah sure babe." I said as I handed the drink to him. My phone suddenly chimmed I picked it up to read the text. It was from cash. It read ' I'm on my way home see you soon. Love you'. I showed the text to maverick and we raced to the car. We hopped in and drove home. We arrived home 10 minutes after cash. "Where have you too been?". Cash asked. " Maverick just took me to Starbucks ". I replied calmly. " Oh really". "Really he did". " THEN WHY ARE YOU WEARING HIS BOMBER JACKET?".  Cash yelled. "Dude chill out it was cold outside and I didn't want her getting sick so I let her wear my jacket , don't hurt her please, if your going to hurt anyone hurt me." Maverick said as he was standing up for me. Cash just looked at him and then stormed off to his room. "Thank you for standing up for me." I said. "Any time". He replied. He kissed me and then went to his room. I laid on my bed wondering what would happen at school tomorrow. Cash goes to a different school compared to me and Maverick. Maverick is in year 11 and I'm in year 10 this year. I decided to go and have a shower and head to bed. I gathered my towel, pyjamas and my face wash and headed to the shower. After I had my shower I walked to the kitchen where maverick was. He leaned over the counter and kissed me. I ignored the kiss and continued to make my lunch for school. He grabbed my hand and spun me around to face him he asked me what was wrong I told him about school and everything. He said "we can still walk to school holding hands and home and cash won't know". I agreed and felt a lot better.  I even Made his lunch for school too.

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