Part 41

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"the news is that josh and I are engaged." kiki said.  She showed us her ring.

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"Aww it's beautiful" I said.  "hey maybe you will be next to be proposed too. "that's funny." I said. Payton snuck being me and hugged me he was saturated. I smiled. We all decided to go on the Jurassic Park ride. I saw in the middle with payton.
Josh and kiki sat behind us and Jackson  and Sophia sat up the front. The ride started and we floated down a river. We started to do up a hill. I felt payton grab my hand. We were both scared. 'I love you ' he lipped to me. ' I love you too ' I said.  "Sophia are you scared?" I said. "yeah I am" she said I turned around to kiki. "are you scared? " I said. "hell yeah." she said.  We started to reach the top.  "raise your hand if your holding your partners hand" I said.  We all raised our hands. We neared the drop.  We flew down the hill. You could hear us all scream. We all held our partners hand up. 
We looked something like this except it was just us on the ride.

We were all soaked and freezing

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We were all soaked and freezing. Payton told me to stay there. He ran off. I was so confused. "where did he go?" Sophia said.  "I honestly have no idea." I said.  2 minutes later Payton came back with his suit jacket and put it around me. We went to buy souvenirs. On the way I got bumped into I looked and swear I saw maverick. Ignored it. Payton brough me a stuffed minion. Josh brought kiki a stuffed dinosaur and Jackson got Sophia a hufflepuff Mug. We all took a photo together. We walked to the car park. When in the car park I swear I saw cash.  We got in the car and then I got a text from kiki.

And a text from Sophia

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And a text from Sophia

Payton floored the lamborghini and we raced past josh and Jackson

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Payton floored the lamborghini and we raced past josh and Jackson. This for some reason made me even more attracted to him. He smiled at me and my insides turned into mush. I put on my sunnies. I put down the roof on the Lamborghini and let my hair out.  It flew in the wind.  We raced then to the beach. Me and Payton won.  I took off my heels and threw them in the car. We waited for the others to arrive.

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