Part 23

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It was the morning and I opened my eyes and saw maverick. He made me smile just by looking at him. I leaned over and kissed him on the forehead. He opened his eyes and pulled me close to him and kissed me. "Good morning baby" he said. "Morning babe." I replied. Maverick and I decided to watch movies all day. The night soon rolled around. "Wanna go for a walk baby?" Maverick says. "Yes babe I do." I replied. We got dressed I just threw on a hoodie and jeans. Maverick and I walked out of the house and cash was no were to be seen. Which is good for us. While walking maverick likes to scare me he will jump out and scare me. "Babe stop it."I said slightly annoyed. He walked over to me and kissed me. " OK baby I will. " he said. I walk ahead a little  i turned around and maverick was GONE!. "Babe this isn't funny" I said. "Babe?" "MAVERICK BAKER THIS ISN'T FUNNY YOUR SCARING ME!" I said. I herd a voice reply from in the darkness . "I didn't mean to scare you." It said. I thought it was maverick. "Oh thank the Lord. babe you gave me a heart attack." I said. The person laughed. "Oh I'm not maverick." the person said as they walked into the light. It was mychael and cash. "Cash what did you do to maverick? If you dare lay a hand on him and hurt him I am gonna......"I said before getting interrupted by cash "Your gonna what huh." He laughed with mychael. I walked over and kicked cash hard enough that he fell to the ground. I kicked him in the balls. Mychael just looked at me. I walked toward cash. "Now I'm going to ask you one more time. If I were u I would answer me. Where is maverick?" I yelled. Cash pointed toward the shadow moving close when the shadow hit the light I saw them holding maverick tied up with a gun to His head. "Josh your working for them? Your supposed to be mine and Mav's best friend. Explain yourself." I said. "I'm sorry but I love you and I can't see u with anyone else so cash said he can get me with you and that way is killing maverick. This is just the way it has to be." He said. As josh said this I felt rope put on my hands. I saw cash do it. "Look cash please stop this. I'm truly sorry but I don't like you or josh. Maverick is the one I love." I said as I stepped toward maverick. " Take another step and I will shoot I mean it." Josh threatened. I could see maverick tearing up I could tell he was worried. I saw his eyes dart to the side of my hear and cash had put a gun to my head. I cried. "Now you will kiss cash and like it or josh will shoot maverick in the head. If that isn't enough pressure I will shot you in the head too." Cash said.  I leaned forward and kissed cash. Cash started touching me without my consent and it upset me. I started to cry. I looked over and saw maverick. I just told myself your doing this for him the love of your life. I let him touch me. All of a sudden I herd a voice I looked and saw devan key walking toward me  "Put the guns down boys or else I will shoot all you. Let the girl and guy go." He said. Cash unties me and pushes me forward. Josh unties maverick and pushes him toward me. He hugs me all of a sudden josh and cash pick up their guns and fire. Me and maverick are stuck in the middle. Cash's bullet is headed toward me and maverick spins us so I hits him and he falls to the ground. Cash, josh and mychael all split and run away. I crawl to maverick and lean on him crying. He puts his hand on my face and whips away one of my tears. "I'm ok baby. I am strong." He says softly. Devan walks away and calls ambulance. I kiss maverick and take his hand. "I won't Leave ever. Not when the ambulance comes. Not when cash kidnaps me. Never because our love is so strong that we will never be separated." I said. He just looks in my eyes. He kisses me. The ambulance arrives and me and Mav head to the hospital.

(This is devan key BTW.)

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