Chapter 8: A Promise

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"We go this afternoon, me and Will will track him down, unless he comes to us. We'll kill him and be done with all this. You'll need this if he tries anything with you, it's a demon blade, it can kill him" Kill gave him a sword, the green blade glowed slightly as it changed hands, "I found three of them, I have the other two."

Ford nodded.

"If we die, promise us you'll stop him?" Kill asked, The Pines family nodded "We promise" they said at the same time. 

"You are Pines, you are strong, you are survivors, you can take on the world and win, you can do anything you put your mind too, I am happy you are my friends" Will said as the Pines and him had a group hug, it felt so good to be hugged like this. "You're a good person Will, I'm proud of you" Ford said, patting his cheek and smiling at him as he stood there.

"Thank you, Ford, that means a lot." 

He put on the sweater Mabel had made him and held up the dagger he had in his hand "I'll wear this sweater forever" he said.

Mabel squealed happily and hugged him again. 

Will stood at the edge of the barrier, Kill stood beside him "We have to find him, take him down, be brave William, we can do this." he said.

"I am" Will said, Mabel hugged him tightly "Be careful, please?" she said, Will smiled and leaned down to hug her back. "I will," he said, kissing her forehead. He took Kill's hand, and with a deep breath crossed over the barrier. There was silence, Wills heart bet fast as they walked further across the clearing. 

"COME TO PLAY WITH ME HAVE YOU!?" came a hysterical voice. It laughed insanely and came from all directions. Will looked around as he yelped, breathing hard as he tried to pinpoint the location.

Kill pulled him towards the forest. "Come on, the quicker we do this the better!" he insisted. Will let himself be pulled, he was terrified out of his mind and wanted nothing more than to turn back to the safety of his new home. They ran through the forest with Bill laughing behind them as he followed. 

"I'm going to kill you, Kill! Get it!?"

Kill and Will stopped running and stood back to back, watching and waiting for their brother to appear. Will took out the dagger Ford had saved, the demon blade shaking in his hand. Kill had his out too, a large sword version that he brandished with a growl. Bill's laugh echoed around them. 


Will jumped back, knocking Kill over as Bill appeared in front of him. "Still scared of me, William? It's useless, it's just fear, it's not going to protect you, so why do you still use it?" 

"You're crazy!" Will spat, Bill pointed to himself, "Who? Me? Pfft~ I knew that, are you going to use that wimpy dagger to kill me? Go on then I'm all yours!" Bill stood still and put his arms out, that crazy grin etched in his mind. "Take your best shot little bro!" 

Will's hand shook as he tried to focus, taking the blade in one hand he flung it as hard as he could, Mabel Gleeful style and aiming for Bill's chest. Bill laughed and caught it in his hands a few inches from it hitting his heart. "Really? That was pathetic!" his twin mocked.

Kill moved in front of Will. "Good throw, Will, let me handle this." 

Bill sighed "Giving him compliments when he doesn't deserve them? That's a stupid action, Kill!" 

"What's wrong with you!? You're acting childish and stupid, what happened after school that day? When you came home spouting about how our society was corrupt?" 

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