Chapter 1: Runaway

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(Songs To Play While Reading: Reminding Me To Forget - Kygo)

All this pain for nothing...

All this pain for him to stab me in the back and cast me aside... 

He's my brother, my twin, my other half, and he calls me weak. 

Having freedom at your fingertips when you've suffered in silence for so long is like pure ecstasy, a heaven of happiness and a bubble of joy. I could feel it mixed in with all that adrenaline as I ran for my life, the Gleeful's angry shouts disappearing as I got further away. But I knew they wouldn't stop till they caught me. 

My breathing came in short puffs in the cold air of winter as I stopped for a break, my starved body wasn't handling escaping as much as I thought it could, I needed a way out of this dimension quickly. 

"WILLIAM CIPHER YOU STOP RIGHT NOW!" Mistress Mabel shouted, I turned to face them as I leaned against the tree catching my breath, I took off again as they neared me, reaching out with their well-manicured fingers. 

"Portal, make a portal, you can do it Will!" I said to myself as I ran. I put my hands together, stretching my magic to create a portal, it was almost like pulling taffy. "I'm almost home Bill" I said, throwing the magic into the air. 

The portal opened with a flash blowing away the leaves on the trees that still dared cling to the branches. I smiled as the winds blew through my blue hair, cooling my sweaty forehead "I'm exhausted, but it will all be worth it" 

With a deep breath I jumped through, just as the Gleefuls appeared behind me. 

Bill paced back and forth, muttering inhuman words as he did so. Ford watched him, hidden in the bushes as he wrote things down, and surveyed the enemy. There was a flash of blue and a portal appeared, rippling and swirling against the trunk of a tree. Bill stepped back slightly as a blue-haired man that looked exactly like Bill tumbled through, getting up shakily off the ground. 

He looked starved and weak, and a cough escaped his chapped lips. Bill picked him up roughly "Will!? What are you doing here!?" he asked angrily. Will looked at his brother happily "Bill! I escaped, I'm home, I'm so sorry, I-" 

"Silence!" Bill growled. 

"Bill?" the blue-haired man looked confused as Bill rammed him up against the tree, twisting his blue suit jacket in his fingers, "You! My pathetic twin brother! Weak! Good! Kind! You were always a stain upon my shoe! How did you escape them!? HOW!?" he snarled. 

Will looked at his brother with tears spilling down his cheeks "What are y-you t-talking a-about?" 

Bill growled and threw Will behind him. He hit the ground with a thud and cried out in pain as he bruised his shoulder, "Bill, w-what's g-going on with y-you? You're my br-brother, I m-missed you!" 

"You shouldn't have come back!" Bill said, taking out a dagger from his pocket "You're weak William, you should have died with the rest of our kind when I liberated my dimension!" 

Will got up, his limbs shaking with the effort and his back to Bill. 

Ford watched horrified as Bill walked over to his brother, pinned him to the ground with one foot, and stabbed him in the back with the green blade. Will's eyes widened as he realized what his brother had just done, coughing up blood, blue and wet upon the earthy ground, "Why?" Will asked as he grew weaker.

"You don't belong in this world, William, you're better off dead, like them! Have fun dying alone, I'm sure as hell not sticking around" Bill hissed, disappearing in a puff of magic. 

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