Chapter 5: Experimental

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That morning Dipper and Mabel woke to the smell of pancakes drifting up their noses "Since when do they smell so good?" Dipper asked. Mabel squealed in delight,  "Who cares! Lets go eat them!" she replied, grinning as they raced downstairs and skidded into the kitchen.

Will was standing in front of the stove, humming a tune and flipping a pancake. He smiled as he noticed them, "Morning, I m-made breakfast, go ahead" he said, pointing to the large stack in the middle of the table. Dipper and Mabel's eyes widened. "Wow, that's a lot of pancakes," Mabel said. 

"Yup, for everyone and me, with enough left in case anyone's still hungry." 

Ford came in yawning, rubbing his tired eyes after another late night "What smells so good, oh, Will, you made breakfast?" he asked, boiling the jug for some much wanted coffee. Will smiled and nodded "Yes, g-go ahead" 

"You didn't really need to make breakfast." he said, taking one from the pile.


Dipper chuckled, enjoying his as well. Will shrugged "Nothing really, just flour, milk, eggs and sugar" 

"This doesn't just taste like you only put those items in" Ford said "I can't explain it, but there's something else."

"My magic ends up making its way into the food I c-cook with, it tastes better, I d-don't know h-how it works, it j-just does" Will said, flipping the last pancake on the plate and turning off the stove "Enjoy!" he added, sitting down with them to eat. 

Stan came in moments later to have some pancakes too "We could sell these!" he said once he tried them. But Ford had his protests, "No Stanley, absolutely not, you will not take advantage of Will's cooking, understand me?" 

"Ughh, fine," Stan said, stuffing a large piece in his mouth. 

"Come outside Will!" Dipper asked as he and his sister rushed out the door. Will stood in the doorway "Oh, um, n-no thanks" he said, preferring to watch rather than join in. 

"Come on Will! Have some fun!" Mabel exclaimed.

"I'm g-good right here" he insisted.

Mabel grabbed his arm and pulled him out the shack. He caught a glimpse of blue, manicured fingernails, that horrid grin and pain! So much pain!

"LET GO OF ME!" he yelled, pulling away and clutching his arm close to himself. His heart thumped loudly in his chest and his breathing grew loud and heavy as he panicked, "Will? I'm sorry, did I hurt you?" a voice asked. That was Mabel's voice, sweet and kind, not nasty and misleading. He looked down at her and smiled "No, you just scared me, I'm fine" he promised, disappearing back into the house,

"I'm fine," he said to himself, trembling as he walked up the stairs.

"Another flash back, huh?" Ford asked as Mabel explained what had happened. 

"It's like when anyone tries to grab him he gets confused as to who it is, like we're them," Dipper said. 

"Well, we're not them, we look like them, but we aren't. That's why it's messing with him, it triggers him and it easily make his fears real if we've overloaded him,"

Will walked in to the living room, looking very nervous as he stood there. "I'm sorry for yelling at you, Mabel." 

"No need to be sorry. I rushed you, and you didn't like that. I'm the sorry one." 

Will looked down at the fifteen-year-old and patted her head as the girl hugged him. "I accept your apology, I just don't want to go past the barrier, he m-might h-hurt me" he said, Mabel nodded,

"I understand." 

'Chores, make lunch, bring the twins their tea, easy enough' he thought as he finished the dusting, 


He jumped in fright, almost knocking over the vase he had been cleaning "Yes, Master Dipper?" 

"I called you three times! Where is my tea!?" the teenager asked, appearing in the hallway.

"I haven't m-made it y-yet, Master Dipper" he stuttered,

"Not acceptable! Go make me my tea! Now!" 

Will bowed and hurried off to the kitchen, why does he want it so early? 

He made the tea according to Dippers' liking and walked carefully to his Master's room with it. The teen was sitting at his desk and drawing as he set the tray down "A-Anything e-else Master Dipper?" 

"Leave!" he snarled, Will hurried out the room. 

He was met with a punch to the gut as he closed the door on his way out and he fell to the ground, curling up in pain. "Ford wants you" Stan snarled at him, picking him up by the hair and making him yelp as he was pulled along painfully by the blue strands and to the basement,

"Stay here, I'll go get Stanford." 

Will rubbed his head and curled up, shaking a little. Out of all of them Ford was an enigma, he could be mean, he could be nice, he could be both at the same time. He also used Will in some of his experiments. 

Did Ford want him for one now? He had lunch to make; he didn't have time for this. 


He looked up to see Ford standing there in his lab clothes. "William, did he hurt you?" 

Will rubbed his head "N-Not too m-much sir." 

Ford came over and examined his head "Right, you're fine then, now, I want you to listen to me very carefully. Make lunch then meet me in the lab, I have something important I want to test on you, understand?" 

Will nodded "Good, off you go now" Ford said, standing up and letting him pass, Will stood up and walked away. 

Pain serum, something Ford had been working on for the Governments Interrogation Program, a liquid that seared his veins like a hot poker. 

He screamed in pain "P-Please s-stop, i-it h-hurts!" 

"That's what it's supposed to do, William, hush now, you're hurting my ears," Ford said as he adjusted the nozzle in his arm. Will struggled in the bonds trying to rip out the I.V. that was filtering the painful orange liquid into his bloodstream "P-Please!" he begged.

Ford just stroked his hair and made shushing noises as he writhed in pain. 

(Pain Serum is my invention and belong to me, the author, do not use it in your stories, or on any of your characters, without my permission, that is all.) 

Nightmares, daydreams, whenever he was alone Bill would torment him with his own memories. He shattered the mirror in the bathroom as his brother laughed at him from within, his skin splitting and his blue blood dripped down his arms and onto the porcelain sink as he panted.

"Will!?" it was Ford knocking on the door, frantic "I heard a breaking noises, are you okay?" 

Will opened the door slowly and carefully. "I broke the mirror, I'm sorry" he said upset. Ford sighed and took his hand. "Let me fix that up. Bill's annoying you isn't he? He shouldn't be able too, the unicorn barrier should stop him." 

Ford picked out the glass while Will hissed in pain each time he dug out a piece from his skin "Sorry, it's almost all out" he said, pulling out a particularly large piece and then wiping the skin with some antiseptic. He bandaged it up tightly to stop the bleeding "There, try not to punch anything again, okay?" 

"Y-Yeah, th-thanks" Will said, cradling his arm. Ford watched him leave and sighed, putting away the first aid kit. 

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