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(n.) An overwhelming urge to run away.

) An overwhelming urge to run away

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"Have you heard about that girl?"

"She was born out of wedlock."

"Such a sinful child."

"Illegitimate. A disgrace to the Kingdom."

"Why is she still here? My children will catch her curse."

Nothing but words. That's what you had told yourself. Those mean things people had spoke about you were just words, so you kept ignoring them. It wasn't easy, but you had no other choice. What would you do anyway? They won't listen, won't dare to go anywhere near such a distasteful child such as yourself. It didn't matter though, being alone would be most wonderful compared to having many ridicule your whole existence face to face.

At the age of four, you already knew the hardships of becoming a illegitimate child of an important person in the Kingdom. It was almost a crime. By then, you somehow knew you were bound to feel everything but acceptance. That melancholy thought danced around your mind for many years, like a fly that just won't go away. Sometimes that fly turns into a wasp, the buzzing of whispers echoed until it stung. It hurt. It was unforgiving. The scars were not left on your body, but inside your chest, eventually reopening the wound until it slowly heals just for it to bleed once more.

If words weren't more hurtful than being beaten, you swore you would have broken your own bones.

"I told you not to leave, didn't I?! Why must I give birth to such a curse?"

Even your own mother couldn't bare to see you, her pretty delicate face scorning into something ugly when it came to you. The bright shine in her dark eyes disappeared, replaced by the growing malice every day. Only in a blue moon would you be able to fully see her smile, but that usually was caused by your pain. It didn't matter though, as you saw that as a way for her to care for you, even just for a little longer...

You smiled through it all, smiled through their petty comments and scorns. If it meant that you could scare people away and take their food for yourself, then you wouldn't mind being a illegitimate daughter of the King, and being a thief. You did everything to keep yourself alive. Eventually, you knew that soon enough, you would be alone again....for good.

One day you found your mother lifeless, her cold and pale body laid on the dusty wooden floor of your house. In her hand, was a knife, soiled with the red warm liquid that exit out of her heart. You were too young to understand then, but was too, mature to realize the outcome. You didn't cry at her funeral, perhaps because the only connection you really had with her was that she had kept you alive. You were still grateful though, she supplied you with many meals and a couple clothes despite her jabbing words.

It was just you now, no other relative was alive...and the King would never let a mistake of his roam inside his luxurious palace. No, it was too much of a sin. So you stayed beside that grave your mother had laid to rest. Your four year old self didn't know what to do next, waiting and waiting for some miracle to appear. But oh boy, it was more than a miracle...

It didn't take long for someone else to see you, their movements so airy and heavy. They didn't look like the people around here, you thought. The dirty mid-leg boots and the stained brown leather jacket he wore gave the clue that he was not from here. He wasn't scared of you, but it seemed like curiosity grew more fond than disgust like the rest. The expression of his face looked of exhaustion, the dark circles under his eye told of sleep deprivation. Rows of wrinkles plastered parallel on his forehead, giving the impression of someone old, yet grumpy.

"How are you?" he asked. His voice was deep, croaking as if he just woke up.

You of course didn't know how to answer, nobody really talked to you so you assumed they were talking to someone else.

"I promise I won't hurt you," his big rough hands held onto your four-year old hands, his grip delicate as if he was going to break a flower. It was strange, the rough and not really smooth texture of his hand relaxed you. But no matter what, they seemed trustworthy, and even if you did not like them at first, you had no other choice but to follow...

That was all seventeen years ago, vivid as day. It was strange to say at first why would a stranger take you in even if you were a disgrace to the Kingdom. But all in all, you were thankful someone like that man saved you from your own demise. Without him you would probably be dead or sold to some human trafficking. Right now, was a gift given to you for a second chance of redemption, a second chance to prove everyone else you were capable of power. A chance to balance the corrupted higher classes.

You saw how it went, how the rich treated all the rest alike: treated like dogs meant to serve them. It was disgusting, how they expect to be treated like royals although they weren't even related to the King. But you guessed it was due to the Queen. That wrench. You watched from afar, watched every event and every detail that happened throughout the years. You saw the unpleasant truth, how not everything was all flowers and sunshine like all fairy tale Royals. Affairs and murder alike took place in that Palace, blood engraved inside its walls of royalty. Rumors spread like wildfire, inflicting burns onto unsuspecting victims.

"M'lady, we have arrived at the palace," the carriage stopped moving. The sounds of people whispering came into view. It wasn't unusual to you that people would be curious about the mysterious maiden also known as Y/N. No one knew your name years ago, so using your birth name was safe. But your behavior itself must be perfect, made to look like a presentable doll. No imperfections must be shown, or all would fail into ash.

Your act as a beautiful and gracious lady from the Mun Family has started, but the journey to the throne is still far.

"The ball has started, we are late. However, perhaps being late could mean a better entrance don't you think?" The man from seventeen years ago said, his hair grey and same dark eyes loomed over you. He was the very one who helped you become the person who you were now, and every single day you were happy to be calling him your father.

"Of course, father. I will do upmost everything to make sure I'm the center of attention," you blurted out.

"Be careful, Y/N. Just because your goal is to be Queen, does not mean you should be rash and rush things. Everyone in that ball is your enemy, kind or not. They are after the throne, after the very thing that will rule over the kingdom. Any mistake could be fatal,"

"I am completely aware. I know how deceptive the higher class are, how fake and selfish they are. But two can play that game. I'll be someone they have no choice but to trust, someone who will be the dagger hidden under the dress. I'll be the Benevolent Maiden that will burn all those who dare come pass me..."

A/N: Just want to put a disclaimer that this takes place in a whole other world which means that somethings there will most likely not be the same in our own world. AU.

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