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Soobin is jealous.

Jealous of the people who spend their happy lives with fellow companions and pure bliss.

Unlike him.

He was someone who lives in silent solitude, dwelling inside a large but old castle and never showed his trust towards humanity.

He is different from the others, seen as an outsider by others.

Others wanted to help him, to give him happiness. He denied those acts because of mistrust.

He locked himself away from the outside world, both physically and mentally.

His body and his heart.

And he felt miserable.

He caressed the flowers decorating his garden, increasing his euphoria.

Suddenly unmistakable footsteps were heard, sending chills up his spine. He squinted his eyes, furrowing his eyebrows to see who dares enter his premises.

A boy no older than twenty years old or younger came in sight in front of him from near the vicinity of the dark castle.

What is someone doing in my premises?

Soobin wondered. The boy wore ragged clothes, torn and seemed rough to the touch. His hands were defiled, skin pale.

When he lifted his head up, his eyes widened, as if fireworks were seen inside his pupils.

He is surprised by the boy's beauty.

Is he going to approach him? Is he going to help him?

He doesn't know, and he doesn't want to.

He doesn't need anyone's help, they're too unempathic. He accepted Kai for a single reason, and that's it.

The boy doesn't seem to catch sight of the man living inside the secluded castle, because he kept walking and ended up in front of his blissful garden.

What is he going to do?

The castle dweller thought he was just going to watch the beautiful plants to make him feel happy.

But he was clearly wrong.

Soobin couldn't believe his eyes when the boy picked up the wooden garden fence's heels, using his strength to climb over it.

At last, his feet touched the grass, an emotion of fear and determination displayed on his face.

Oh no.

As if he was living in a nightmare, he swiftly snatched some of the astonishing flowers. Daisies, carnations, he plucked them from the soil, separating them from their crying kind who were left.

He even got the roses from the prickly bushes.

Soobin watched as the boy ran away with an obvious trace of what he did, blood starting to boil.

"Alright, who has the audacity to steal my flowers?" he grunted under his breath, clenching his fists in rage.

How dare he invaded his property, stealing his precious flowers, his cherished companions.

His source of happiness, his only friends.

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