XV: The Treaty of Yvar

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To all parties, let it be known that this document signifies a final cessation of hostilities between the Terran Hegemony and combined Grushan Federation and Novan Alliance that began with the Terran invasion on Nova and the declaration of war proclaimed by the Terran government.

The Terran Hegemony shall be made answerable to the following:

It has launched a war of aggression upon the Novan Alliance and the Grushan Federation without cause or provocation;

It has committed and condoned the slaughter of civilians and other non-combatants without regard to war policies agreed upon in the Novan Accords of 2097 in the bombardment of Nova and the invasion of Africa;

It has aided in the perpetration of the mass destruction of the Grushan Yvar colony and its inhabitants;

It has utilized biological and chemical weapons in its own efforts to subdue domestic unrest;

It has enforced neurological suppressants in the form of the technology marketed and sold as the Interlink;

It has used this technology to lower independent thought and disseminate propaganda and addictive substances and behaviors;

It has entered open alliance with a hostile power with a known history of genocidal and occult tendencies;

It has aided this same power in the destruction of Grushan fleets and economic facilities;

It has violated a Grushan quarantine without the express permission of the Federal Grushan Star Fleet;

It has enacted programs of forced installations of Interlink devices in occupied territories;

Therefore, as the Grushan Federation holds the most powerful legal system available, and as the claims of the Grushan Federation outweigh those of the Novan Alliance in magnitude, the Terran Hegemony will be made answerable to Federation law, with the supervision of the Novan Alliance. The Terran Hegemony will be required to pay certain war reparations to both parties to be outlined in this document.

The Terran Hegemony being answerable for the crimes above detailed, it will accede to the following demands:

The Terran Hegemony will henceforth swear fealty to the Novan Alliance. All major policy regarding the Terran Hegemony will be based in Nova and be made up of a legislative body selected by Terran citizens and approved by Novan officials. It will also include a committee of Novan and Grushan legislators to act as administrative equals to Terran officials. The constitution of this body will be drawn up jointly by the Terran Hegemony and the Novan Alliance. This arrangement will last for a duration of thirty years, at which time, the Terran Hegemony will be allowed to renegotiate so as to govern itself more completely as a full member of the Grushan Federation with full representation in the Grushan Senate.

The Novan Alliance will enter into the Grushan Federation as full members of the Federation, with full representation in the Grushan Senate. The Federation will give full support to the Novan Alliance in its governance of the Terran Hegemony.

As compensation for the loss of the Yvar colony, the Terran Hegemony will cede the Alpha Ceti colony to the Grushan Federation and will henceforth have no influence in its governance until such a time as the Terran Hegemony is made a full member of the Grushan Federation.

The Terran Hegemony will hand over the following persons to be tried as criminals under the Grushan Treaty of Mathin Rhamara; Shen Wai-Fun, CEO of Ambience Corporation; Admiral Hans Gottred; Admiral Miranda Winters; General Chen So-Yung; Fyodor Kasperov; Angela Jimenez; Cho Heng-Yang; Michael Kuo; Senator Ong Wan-Shuo; all technical personnel involved in the design of the Interlink device; officials who condoned the massacres in Latin America and North Africa in response to Interlink regulations; General Xiao; Michael DeVoris and Arthur Buher.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2019 ⏰

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