XXII: The Gathering Storm

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Terran Intelligence Dispatch: 08/04/2175 0545 EST

Terran Internal Intelligence Commission-Terran Global Hegemony President's Office: At 0413 the staff of Vice President Yong An-Hong noted that the Vice President was not in his chambers. Further search of the grounds did not succeed in locating him. His Interlink tracking has been disabled. Investigators noted that his personal journal was also gone, and concluded that his departure was intentional. End Dispatch.

Doctor's Note: Dr. Thando Babatunde MD: 08/04/2175: Translated by Ibrahim Kayode

Patient William Aucaman, 7:51 PM

Patient was brought in with minor lacerations to the face, hands and legs. Although the injuries were minor, he seemed to be in intense pain and had to be subdued. Patient took to sedatives with great reluctance; I had to prescribe an abnormally high dosage. He is asleep now, although I don't know how long to expect him to remain asleep. Condition remains erratic. I suggested to Ms. Mwangi that he be kept under observation, even though his injuries were minor.

News Article: The Beijing National Times: 08/05/2175

By Yao Min-Xiao

The Terran Internal Intelligence Commission recently published new findings in the attempted assassination of Vice President Yong An-Hong. According to investigators, Novan backed terrorist groups were responsible for the bombing targeted on the Vice President's motorcade two days ago. The TIIC arrested two men, Gerald Folotov and Mikhail Korsakov, Russian nationals associated with the Russian dissident movement lead by Gennady Semyonov.

Folotov and Korsakov have both confessed to the premeditated assassination attempt and await sentencing. It is expected that both will face the death penalty, although a plea bargain has been floated that may allow them a temporary sentence integrated into an Ambience Mainframe system. This would provide the Hegemony with extensive insight into Semyonov's networking as well as Novan links.

TIIC spokesman Yang Soo-Ming said that Korsakov and Folotov have confessed to direct ties with Nova and the rebel government currently in place on that planet. Evidently, Semyonov himself has long been in communication with high ranking Novan intelligence officers who have fed him rhetoric, information, and resources. Semyonov himself has long been known to have taken money from anonymous donors; however, with the recent confirmation of his ties to Nova, his anonymous donors may no longer be quite so anonymous.

The Hegemony has issued a demand for the immediate arrest of Semyonov and his associates within the Russian based dissident movement. Semyonov himself has eluded capture for now, although with TIIC investigators and Mainframe probability assessments against him, he is expected to be apprehended soon. His last known location was in Moscow; however, when agents raided his residence, he was not found.

The President has yet to give a statement on the news, however he is expected to do so within a week of this publication. Many expect him to condemn the actions of the so-called Novan Alliance, and some speculate that he may call for military action against the Novan rebels.

Doctor's Note: Dr. Thando Babatunde, MD: 08/05/2175: Translated by Ibrahim Kayode

Patient William Aucaman, 8:17 AM

Physical injuries seem to be healing as expected. He's still asleep and his vitals are kind of haywire. Blood pressure was abnormally high, adrenaline rates were higher than expected. There's an odd stimulation in the prefrontal cortex and occipital and temporal lobes. According to Ms. Cynthia Mattingly, who was brought in with him, the other unconscious patient Olivia Mattingly experienced the same symptoms several weeks ago. She thinks that they may relate to the presence of the Zaha-Katchem, which they encountered the same afternoon which they were brought in. I will consult with the doctors monitoring Olivia Mattingly. Patient seems agitated even though unconscious. I'm keeping him under careful observation.

2175 C.E.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang