I: RN-06

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06/21/2175 0407, Earth Standard Time: Transmission Sent, TES Nightshade III YCC-1017: O RN-06: 06/22/2175 1116, EST: Transmission Received, TSS Swordfish LCM-1201

Begin Transmission

"This is Captain John Normon of the Terran science vessel Nightshade III to any ship within range. We are under attack by an unidentified vessel. It broke free of planetary orbit and approached us at high speeds. It has energy weapons and high maneuvering capability [explosion in background]. We are in orbit of RN-06 3, the third planet [static] Zakaal Faah. [static] Terran science vessel Nightshade III, registry YCC-1017 to any ships-[explosion][static]."

End Transmission

Captain's Log, TSS Swordfish LCM-1201: Captain Cristopher Bouchet

06/22/2175 1127, EST

Received a distress call from a Terran Science vessel in neutral space. The signal was repeating, and a little over twenty-seven hours old. I had Lieutenant Faraday check; RN-06 is definitely in that range. What a Terran science project was doing all the way out there, I can't begin to guess; probably something the Hegemony wouldn't want us to know about, if I know them. I had Stevens relay the message to TIA command and under regulation 7 ordered helm to lay in a course to RN-06. The nearest Warp Gate is almost four days' travel from our current position on the DMZ, so we won't reach the Nightshade's position in under 108 hours. I hope she's still in one piece by then. One thing bothers me about the transmission though; the captain of the Nightshade, John Norman, said the attacker had come from the planet's atmosphere. I've never even heard of a ship leaving atmosphere and then attacking. And the man mentioned energy weapons; even the Grushan don't have those. I think the man might have been exaggerating. Anyway, it can't be something a Terran light cruiser can't handle.

06/22/2175 1705, EST

We've been on course for the Alpha Ceti Warp Gate for approximately six hours. I've received confirmation from TIA Command; they confirmed my invocation of regulation 7 and gave me their blessing. They sent the message on high priority channel, and the message stressed the importance of the mission, which I thought was odd. They say to recover the Nightshade III, her crew and her equipment at any cost. I am authorized to use any force necessary once I reach RN-06. That sounds ominous, in my opinion, but I don't give the orders. The Hangzhou will be replacing our position on the border.

06/23/2175 1702, EST

Proceeding at maximum speed to Alpha Ceti gate. I've ordered additional drills en route; one can never be too safe, after all. The transmission from the Nightshade stopped repeating today at 0408; no additional transmissions were received. Stevens informed TIA at 0416. I'm afraid she might be dead. What sort of thing did they run into out there? End log.

06/24/2175 1712, EST

Continuing present course and speed. The crew is still in high spirits, though I think the drills have them a bit on edge. Performance has been exactly up to Terran standards. I'll have to do something especially nice for them at next shore leave. Will drinks be enough? I know a few good spots on Alpha Ceti 3. Hell, there are a couple good spots on Yveran; they may be glorified geckos, but the Grushan sure know how to make a drink. I'll have to think of something for them, anyway; it's been a long deployment. End log.

06/25/2175 1715, EST

Maintained course and speed. We should reach Alpha Ceti in 24 hours. I think we'll all be glad when this is over.

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