III: Task Force 6

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Official Transcript: Bridge Recording, TSS Alexander Nevsky BCM-1102: 07/04/2175 1316 EST

Admiral Nobuyuki Ito

Captain Chang Yen-Sing

Helm Officer Enrique Estevez

Communications Officer Abdul Janfada

Sensor Officer Paul Reed

Tactical Officer Vitaly Fulitov

Executive Officer Markus Boyega

Navigator Alice Kovachik

[Begin Playback]

ITO: Sensor control, what can you tell me about that alien ship?

REED: Not much sir. There's almost no long-band signature, minimal visible profile, and absolutely nothing on short bandwidths. No infrared signature either. I can't give you an estimate of its size, or even its shape. All I can tell you is what you can tell from the visible profile.

ITO: Show it to me, Lieutenant.

REED: Transferring to main viewer.

ITO: Mr. Boyega, take note. The object is approximately saucer shaped, flat and elongated. On what appears to be the ship's rear, two wing-like objects extend from the ship's hull. These wings are each approximately half again the width of the ship and equal in thickness. The entire ship is black, and appears to be able to absorb light from surrounding space. On the front nose, the object emits a dim, red light. This light may also be seen on the tip of either wing. I cannot make out the purpose of any of these lights. The ship matches no known Grushan or Novan configuration. There are no discernable thrusters, deck guns, habitat rings or sensor receptors. End note. Please give this note to Mr. Janfada to transmit to the TIA.

BOYEGA: Aye sir.

ITO: Communications officer, open all hailing frequencies. I wish to address the alien ship personally.

JANFADA: Channel open, sir.

ITO: Unidentified vessel, you have entered the Alpha Ceti star system. This system is owned by the Terran Hegemony. Further, you have attacked two Terran vessels in the RN-06 system. Explain yourself and your intentions, or we will be forced to open fire.

JANFADA: Message sent. Sir, they won't understand our language...

ITO: We still have not established definitively that this is not a Novan or Grushan vessel. Moreover, I think that the content of the message is more or less clear. And I'm interested in how they respond. Mr. Reed?

REED: No change in object speed or heading.

ITO: Very well. Mr. Janfada, signal all ships to prepare a missile barrage. Use visible spectrum guidance only. Captain Chang, as of this moment, I am authorizing the use of the Alexander Nevsky's nuclear arsenal. Prepare to launch one tactical warhead at the invading ship.

CHANG: Yes admiral.

BOYEGA: Is that really necessary?

ITO: Perhaps not. But this vessel may possess defensive capabilities beyond what we are used to dealing with.

CHANG: Commander Boyega, your key?

BOEYEGA: Of course.

ITO: Mr. Reed, has the object altered its course?

REED: Negative, sir.

ITO: Very well. Mr. Janfada, open hailing frequencies.

JANFADA: Channel open.

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