XXIII: Iacta Alea Est (The Die is Cast)

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Ambience Tactical Mainframe: Strategic Command Operation 1307 NOVAN RECONQUEST


Tactical projections completed. Novan fleet poses insignificant threat. Projections indicate Admiral Hadrian will withdraw upon Terran fleet arrival. Grushan forces will retaliate in full force. Current technological intelligence indicate that Grushan warships will be inferior to Zaha-Katchem technological capabilities. Tactical scenarios indicate Terran and Zaha-Katchem advantage in space battle over Nova. Full details in report to follow.

08/05/2175 1800 EST: Transmission Sent Terran Interstellar Authority: O Earth: 08/05/2175 1800 EST: Transmission Received TSS Alexander Nevsky BCM-1102, TSS Graf Spee BBM-0201, TSS Belisarius BBM-0202, TSS Sitting Bull BCM-1203, TSS Yamato BCM-1105

Begin Transmission

All Admirals. You are to move your ships in range of the Sol warp gate and prepare for a retaliatory strike into Proxima Centauri system and intercept the Novan fleet. ETA six hours.

End Transmission

Novan Intelligence Dispatch: 08/05/2175 2200 NST

Border Security-Novan Intelligence Command: Large spatial distortions detected. Signature matches Sol warp gate. 64 Terran warships ships identified en route to Nova. End Dispatch.

08/06/2175 0017 EST: Transmission Sent TSS Graf Spee BBM-0201: O Nova: 08/06/2175 0018 EST: Transmission Received Terran Interstellar Authority

Begin Transmission

Terran Fleet has entered Nova system. Distance to Proxima B colony approximately 2 light-minutes. Novan Stellar Navy in orbit on far side. Beginning approach to intercept.

End Transmission.

08/06/2175 0800 Grusheran Standard Time: Transmission Sent FGSF "Claw" A-21 MK7A: O Yveran: 08/06/2175 0025 NST: Transmission Received Novan Stellar Navy High Command

Begin Transmission

Terran military attack on Nova has been reported. AY02 Attack Wing has been ordered to reinforce NSN forces in Nova system. Warp gate jump has been initiated. ETA seven hours fifteen minutes. AH01 and AG03 Attack Wings report in from Hezheran and Gleveran. ETA is ten hours. Hang in there, NSN.

End Transmission

Official Transcript: Bridge recording, NSN Enterprise AH01-001: 08/06/2175 0030 NST

Admiral Rafael Hadrian

Captain Ibrahim Mubarak

Helm Officer Tamara Noah

Communications Officer Eglantine Kayode

Sensor Officer Michael Okama

Tactical Officer Hokolesqua Bachchan

Executive Officer Inti Patil

Navigator Linh Tran

[Begin Playback]

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