XIV: Who Are We Now That You've Seen Us?

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Official Transcript: HNN News Update: 07/25/2175 1300 Beijing Standard Time

LERMAN: Welcome again to HNN news, I'm Carrie Lerman. I don't know about you, but I'm still trying to get my head around the historic announcement this morning from the President, the Hegemony Diplomatic Corps, and of course our guest of honor, Zahal of the Zaha-Katchem. This is significant because not only is it the first time that an alien race, although perhaps it would be more appropriate to say "extra-terrestrial race" has made contact with earth since the Grushan over a century ago, but they are the first to make contact with humans intentionally rather than as some engine malfunction, as the Grushan Senate has frequently admitted to doing. The Zaha-Katchem came to Earth to meet us and engage with meaningful dialogue; now if only the Grushan had chosen to do that. The reaction to the announcement has been resoundingly positive worldwide. We're receiving reports of parades organized at the last minute in honor of the Zaha-Katchem all across the world, in Shanghai, London, Paris, Johannesburg, Sydney. Hamburg, Berlin, New York, San Francisco, and in cities and towns all over the world. However, there are some who have displayed xenophobia and doubt towards our new stellar neighbors, and in some places, protests have become violent. Peter Dryden reports from Moscow.


[Windows Shattering]

DRYDEN: That's the sound of a hundred angry citizens in revolt. The news of Zaha-Katchem first contact broke to a shocked midday crowd in Moscow, the base of operations for none other than pro-Novan agitator Gennady Semyonov. They were already gathered in Moscow from all parts of Russia, Poland, Ukraine, Lithuania, and other Slavic regions where Semyonov has a lot of influence to pay tribute to their icon. Semyonov himself has released no statement one way or the other, but he is expected to do so sometime within the next few hours. These protestors have anticipated his message and have begun to express their anti-Hegemony, xenophobic sentiment on street corners and shops here in Moscow. However, around the city, much of the response has been considerably warmer and more in keeping with true Hegemony sentiment. This group in downtown Moscow has opened local bars, restaurants, and businesses and have declared today a Russian holiday to celebrate first contact.

ELENA KASPEROV: (Translated) I just think it's amazing that we have made first contact with this new species, and I hope that they feel welcome and are willing to trade with us and join the conversation with our society!

STEPAN KORSIKOV: (Translated) I just want the Zaha-Katchem to feel welcome and make themselves at home here for as long as they choose to stay on Earth and in Terran space.

DRYDEN: All around the world, citizens are joining with these Muscovites in welcoming the Zaha-Katchem and coordinating with others worldwide through the Interlink, especially those with fourth gen. Some of those amazing collaborations can be seen at HNN web addresses in all languages, or you can link with HNN operators worldwide to show your support and appreciation to the Zaha-Katchem. Carrie?

LERMAN: Thank you Peter Dryden reporting from Moscow.

Official Transcript: Phone Call: From Ellensburg Police Department: To Gemma Aucaman: 07/25/2175

GEMMA: Hello? Gemma Aucaman?

WILLIAM: Hi, Mom, it's me.

GEMMA: Billy? Oh my goodness, it's you! Are you all right?

WILLIAM: I'm fine. A bit tired is all.

GEMMA: Why? Are they treating you okay?

WILLIAM: No, I was just up all night Monday night. I only woke up here about an hour ago.

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