XVIII: The Terrorists

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Personal Journal: William Aucaman


The Zaha-Katchem "Empire" has officially requested that Cynthia and I be handed over to them for "justice" for killing one of their people. I don't find it likely that the Hegemony will fight them on this. We can't stick around for this. If the Zaha-Katchem get ahold of us, we will die. Or worse.

I spoke briefly to Mr. Bellamy and he agrees. Unfortunately, I don't think that he'll be able to do anything about it. Cynthia's been exhausted for the past few days, though, so I'm not sure what she'll be able to do. She's not been thinking straight, in any case. She's starting to see the Zaha-Katchem in the room with her. It might even be there, with their cloaking technology and whatever else they have.

One thing is clear though. We can't stay here. If we do, we die.

Letter: From Eglantine Kayode, 1001 Sherman St, Imladris, Nova: To Chinwe Opeyemi, 440 E Ormarith Rd, Jimeso, Ghana: Translated by Ibrahim Wassume

My dearest Chinwe,

It distresses me greatly to hear that Ambience has made a presence in our town. I hope you can avoid them; on Nova, the news every day describes a new atrocity committed by the Hegemony and Ambience Corp. I don't know how much of it is true, because the Novan news cycle is so very dramatic and competitive. But it agrees with the Grushan stories, which are very careful and detailed. Please, my love, my life, take care of yourself, take care of your family, keep them safe from the Hegemony and Ambience Corp. You are the only one I have ever loved, Chinwe. Please take care of yourself. Hide if you can.

Do you remember the place where you first told me you loved me? There was once a path that lead from that hill that we laid on that night under the stars. It travels down to the beach. There is a cave system carved into the sandstone there, sea caves I think. When water levels started dropping, I found them with my brother, and they were safe to go into. If you need to hide, you may search for that place. Please, Chinwe, stay safe. I do not want the Hegemony to take you away from me.

Do not think that because I urge you to caution, I think less of you. My training as an officer in the Novan Stellar Navy has taught me a great deal about caution. Every day, I am around many dangers; space travel can go wrong in so many ways. Even the way we stay clean is subject to careful regulation and planning. Water itself is limited for weight and volume. So, I have learned to be careful. I urge you to be careful as well, my love. The Hegemony is a cunning and ruthless adversary for the NSN; they will be for you too.

Please do not try anything rash. You told me of your plans to leave Earth and travel to Nova; follow those plans to the letter. I know you, Chinwe. You are looking around you at the injustice, and the heartache, caused by these Ambience technicians, and you want with all your being to do something about it. Do not, I beg you. We both knew what they were when we lived on Earth. I live in luxury compared to what we had in Ghana; Imladris is alive with sights and scenes beyond what we had even in Accra and Kinshasa. But I remember Jimeso. I remember the life we had there. It was hard in some ways, and I remember the fear that hung over us. Nova is not Earth. But please, please do not try to fight back. Leave as soon as you can and come be with me. Were you here, on Nova, right now, I would resign my commission in the Navy to be with you.

Please heed my words. I pray for you every day, my love.

Your dearest,

Eglantine Kayode

[Postmarked 07/30/2175]

Recording: Police Scanner: 07/31/2175 1401 Local Time

2175 C.E.Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora