XIV: The Battle of Earth

Start from the beginning

AGLAMARITH: (translated) An eloquently worded challenge.

HADRIAN: Oh, I wouldn't worry. Doromarith is probably saying the exact same thing. Mr. Bachchan, begin charging the GQR module. Ms. Kayode, order the fleet to deploy spatial resonance trackers. Ibrahim, launch tactical warheads.

MUBARAK: Aye sir. Mr. Patil, your key.

HADRIAN: Helm, begin evasive maneuvering patterns. Mr. Bachchan, launch a continuous stream of missiles at that ship.

NOAH: Aye sir.

BACHCHAN: Aye sir. Missiles away.

HADRIAN: Captain, launch all tactical missiles at ten second intervals. Bachchan, detonate missiles as soon as they reach 500 meters from the black ship.

OKAMA: Receiving telemetry from SRT's.

HADRIAN: Wait for a full spread. Mr. Bachchan, status of the GQR?

BACHCHAN: GQR systems are stable. Collateral spatial waveforms minimal.

HADRIAN: Good. Order the Herzog to stand by to deploy its resonator; I don't want it taking every one of them out.

OKAMA: Sir, the black ship is on a direct course towards us.

HADRIAN: Shit. They must have sensors sensitive enough to read the spatial waves. Reverse course. But a few kilometers between us and them. Mr. Bachchan, detonate tactical warheads between them and us, see if you can throw off their targeting. Ms. Kayode, cancel my previous order; I want the Herzog's weapon up and running as soon as possible. Order the rest of the fleet to get between us and it.

KAYODE: Transmission from Admiral Doromarith. The Grushan are preparing a flanking action.

OKAMA: I've lost the black ship on sensors. They're cloaked.


OKAMA: Active. Beginning active sensor sweep. I have a lock.

MUBARAK: Open fire deck guns, let's get their attention.

KAYODE: All ships report they have the ship on sensors. They're firing with deck guns.

OKAMA: It's still coming right for us.

KAYODE: Doromarith says that his fleet is engaged. Positive contact with the ship, still no damage.

OKAMA: The ship is decloaked. I'm picking up heat signatures from its hull.

MUBARAK: Helm, new course, -45º by 56º. Punch afterburners. Get us out of its way.

KAYODE: Transmission from the Galant. Captain Mavin says he's covering us.

OKAMA: The Galant is matching our course. She's between us and the black ship. I'm picking up heat signatures on her hull.

HADRIAN: Signal the Herzog to attempt a flanking action. Get it to the other side of that ship. Mr. Tran, how close are we to Earth's moon?

TRAN: Six thousand kilometers.

HADRIAN: Calculate a lot gravity boost for it. If the black ship wants us, it's going to have to chase us.

TRAN: Aye sir.

OKAMA: The black ship is targeting the Herzog.

HADRIAN: Mr. Bachchan, what's the status us the GQR?

BACHCHAN: Sixty percent charge.

OKAMA: I'm getting massive spatial readings off the "Talon's" GQR module. It looks like the Grushan are farther along than we are. The black ship might be attacking them. Yes, it's changed course and is heading for them at high speed. I'm seeing a full spread of heat on the Grushan fleet. The "Talon" is retreating.

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