Twelve- Percy

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Toby's taking a shower and I'm twiddling my thumbs while sitting on his bed. I'm not really sure where we're supposed to go from here, you know fake relationship wise. Toby hasn't really given me the details of exactly WHY he needs a fake girlfriend and what the mission is. I'm kinda confused on everything, you know what I'm even doing here. 

Someone knocks on the door and my heart jumps. Shoot! What if it's one of the maids, wouldn't they ask questions about a girl in his room when he's in the shower? 

I cross my legs on the bed, scouching farther away from the door and pressing my lips together, trying not to make a sound. Eventually the door just swings open and Skylynn marches in, dragging Ricky behind her. 

"Ugh, Percy! I knocked, why didn't you answer!" She asks, letting go of Ricky's hand so she can make wide gestures. 

"Because I thought you were someone else." 

"You're DATING Toby now! You can be caught in his bedroom! It's actually prefered!" She practically shouts. 

I roll my eyes. 

"Anyways-" Ricky says, nudging Sky. 

"Oh! Right, so I thought of a way for your and Toby's relationship to seem more... Real."

"And what's that?" 

"You guys have to kiss!" She says excitedly. 

"No." I reply, just like I did when this whole thing first came up. 

"Come on! I have Ricky here to be my partner, I'll teach you to do it without emotion!" 


"Come on!" She says, jumping up closer to the bedside, motioning for Ricky to follow who with a sign, comes closer. 

"No." I say, leaning farther away. 

Sky opens her mouth to speak but someone beats her to the punch. 

"What the heck is going on?" 

We all look over, seeing a very much bare chested Toby. His arms are crossed and one eyebrow is arched more than the other. 

"See!" Sky gestures to Toby "Even he wants it to happen!" 

"I want what to happen?" He asks.

"For you two to kiss." Ricky pitches in. 

"I don't think that's nessiciary." He replies. 

"Yes it is!" 

"No Sky! Please don't make me!" I whine. 

"Percy, you are going to kiss Toby Verse if it kills you!"

"It just might." I mutter. 

"Oh just kiss the guy Smith!"

Toby suddenly turns to Ricky "Smith?" 

"Yeah, it's her last name right?" 

"Uh yeah, it is." 

"Ok awkward." Sky says, twiddling her thumbs before popping back into her normal self "Now what you have to do is sit next to each other." 

A still bare chested Toby gives up with a sign and sits down next to me on the bed. But I am not about to kiss him just because Skylynn tells me to. I jump up, trying to rush out the door. Arms circle around my waist, cutting me short and tugging me back onto the bed. They tug just a bit too hard though and I collapse onto Toby's lap, his hands holding tight to my hips. 

He looks into my eyes, chuckling "You're dating me, remember? It'll be easy." 

"Right." I mutter. 

"Ok great! Even better! You two are so cute! Ok here." She brings two folding chairs from Toby's closet, setting them in front of us. 

She and Ricky sit down and they face each other. Ricky looks bored which is funny cause Sky is the complete opposite. Ricky almost awkwardly places his arm over Sky's shoulders, pulling her in more. She looks up at him, pretending to be confused as he leans down, placing his lips on hers. 

And oh gosh is it awkward. 

Within a second Ricky retracts and loses all contact from her, sitting farther away in his chair. 

"Ok, see like that, easy, just Toby, hold her hand after, ok? Great and action!" 

We just look at her. 

More like starring actually. 

Confused starring. 



"Easy." Toby whispers in my ear "Just look at me. You don't have to kiss me back." 


"And action!" Sky repeats, louder this time. 

I sign deeply, turning my head so I'm looking at Toby. He holds my chin firmly enough for me not to be able to run away as soon as we have lip lock. He closes his eyes, an instant indicator that I can close mine, which I quickly do. I can feel his breath fan my face until his lips are right above mine, hesitant, almost hovering. 

Like he can't decide what to do. 

But he closes the distance and our lips actually meet. I don't want them to. I think of everything that could possibly take my mind off it. 

Beer, Barn lofts, road kill, abandoned puppies, Tomas. 

Oh snap he's gonna kill me when he finds out. 

 As it turns out, which I can't believe I forgot, thinking about all the ways a person can kill you is a great distraction. Before I even realize it Toby and I's only connection is our joint hands. Skylynn looks excitedly between us, squealing so loud it's lethal. I seriously think I hear dogs barking back to her howl. 

"You two are too cute together!" 

"Sky, we aren't together, I'm pretending to be his FAKE girlfriend remember? It's like playing pretend when we're little." 

"Except a bit more serious cause my parents are playing." Toby pips in. 

"When is that?" I ask, turning in his lap the best I can to see Toby's features. 

"My parents are on yet another business trip, so Sarah's staying at a friends and all maids, cooks, cleaners, everybody has off, so it's been rescheduled yet again." 


"So what I'm hearing is, you are home alone?" Ricky suddenly asks.

"Yep." Toby's voice poping at the 'p'. 

"So no adults would be around?" 

"Nope." Again with the pop. 

"And your parents wouldn't know?" 

"Not unless someone's a tattle tail." Toby and Ricky in turn look at Skylyyn who shrugs it off. 

"And you have a fully stocked bar." This one isn't a question but a known fact. 


Ricky comes up, sittting next to Toby and considering I'm on his lap, me. He swings his arm over Toby's shoulder, his bicep centimeters from my nose. He hands us all a boyish smirk. 

"Well then let's throw a party." 


Heyyyyyy guyyyys!

I'm evil. 

Anyways thanks for reading this story and all the love I've gotten from it, seriously the first purpose of writing this book was to have a character named Toby because I had an obsession with Pretty Little Liars. After I came up with a plot for this sole book, I figured why stop theere, and now I'm planning this huge trilogy, with three interconnecting love stories! 

The dealing series will be epic!

I just have to get through this one first without boring any of you to dealth. 

Type to ya later!


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