S.T.H. Chapter Eight

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Surrender To Him

Mom and dad said that they would watch the dog until I got back. They also planned on taking him to the vet once he was all fixed up as well.

It was such a short reunion and I knew it practically killed them to see me leave.

However, I was on my way to Cedric's house. I made a promise and my guilty conscience won't let me rest until I follow through.

The whole entire drive I was grumbling to myself as I could already imagine how this was going to go down.

The Scenario's In My Head:

"Hey baby, you're finally here."  There would be a glowing light behind him and his muscles would be bulging more than usual. His shirt would be off and his hair would be styled lazily as he pouts his lips at me.

Or no, he would say something like,

"Time to repay your debt and give me some of that sugar." As he would rub his hands evilly while leading me inside. He would be wearing a suit with his dark hair slicked back and his house would look like some sort of mid-evil mansion and-

Oh lord. Are these scenarios? Or just awkward pre-sex scenes that I am imaging?

At the next stoplight, I banged my head against my steering wheel and jumped when I accidentally hit the horn.

I had my hair tied back with an elastic in a high ponytail on my head and added a hair scarf tied into a bow to look halfway decent. It wasn't my usual hairdo which usually just consisted of me loosely pinning back my bangs either on both sides of my head or doing a half updo by tying them back with a small hair clip.

My outfit was black sweatpants with a tank top and a navy blue jacket that was unzipped.

I mainly picked it because I am in no mood to try and I just want to get this over with.

What I owe him is a massage after football practice today.

Even though school is officially out, the coach still wants them to come twice a week at the football field to train. He only selected a handful of boys that he knew would make the cut for next year.

It's quite clear, he must hold Cedric at some sort of higher stance than the other boys because he is supposed to still weight train 6 days of the week with his coach.

I personally do not care for team sports. Mainly because of the few times that I have tried to attempt to join a team, It went from sweet to sour real quick.

I hate the whole "team" aspect of it if I am being honest.

When I joined soccer in my first year of middle school, I really loved it and enjoyed the sport.

It was the fact of having to deal with the other teammates on the sport that really broke me.

Many of the girls were incredibly competitive and not that I am a lazy person per se, but it's just that I wasn't as serious about it. Not to mention all of the drama that went down between Katherine and me that really shut down all chances of me wanting to do a team effort kind of sport ever again.

She wanted me to aim to get on to Varsity and being the immature person that I was back then, I didn't want to, because she wanted me to.

I made up excuses such as "Oh, well I kind of don't think I'll make it." And "Yeah, I'll probably just screw it up anyway."

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