S.T.H Chapter Three

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Surrender To Him

I gasped aloud waking up with cold sweats

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I gasped aloud waking up with cold sweats.

Placing a hand over my fast beating heart, getting out of my bed, I bounded across my room to open the blinds. I had always closed them while I napped and opened them once I would wake up.

My room wasn't super girly, okay? Sure there was a little pink on the pillows, comforter, the round rug in the middle of my room, possibly the curtains too and maybe all my bath towels were pink, but that doesn't mean I have a problem, does it?

It's just I have kept it pink since my 13th birthday and had henceforth decided that I didn't need a change.

I walked back over to my bed and snuggled up under the covers.

Another nap surely couldn't hurt anyt-

"LARENTIA!" Snarled a voice from downstairs shaking me from my peaceful thoughts.

I heard a deep-throated growl just as my blanket was ripped off of me. I slowly turned around feeling the inner zen that I was feeling left me and stared back at my pissed off brother.

You know, it's funny in a way, that every time he has ever gotten angry, his face turns red and he grits his teeth as hard as he can.

"What the fuck is your fuckin' PROBLEM?!(Many other colorful words that I decided to zone out), WHY WAS YOUR BACKPACK DOING IN THE FRICKEN DOORWAY!?!" He fumed at the top of his lungs.

I looked over to my right and saw that my door was not only ripped off the hinges, but he was holding it over his head as if we were going to fight each other, caveman style.

I ducked as he hollered and threw my door over my head and rammed it into my wall, knocking off some decorative posters I had just put up.

"Really Jason? You just had to throw my door into the wall? Now how am I supposed to keep you from entering my room." I shook my head in dismay and stretched my arms over my head. My brother snapped his jaw and punched his fist into my wall creating yet another crater in my room.

"All right calm down. There's no need to go around punching holes in walls." I mumbled lazily and started walking out of my room. "Let's just go eat dinner and then we can get back to, well... whatever is going on." I held up my pointer finger and pointed up and down at his body accusingly.

I was surprised at how aloof I was to the whole situation. I have never seen my brother this mad and was beginning to worry for him.

Was he on some kind of heroine? I know that he's smoked pot before and had tried shrooms with Cedric, but could he have gone even farther than that?

"You are not going anywhere."

"Jason, let's be a good boy and let your sister through, we don't want you to throw another tantrum now." I waved a hand at the evidence of the abuse that the walls in my room had suffered.

"No." He said in a deeper voice and narrowed his eyes to slits.

"No?" I stared up at him and he frowned deeper, his canines appeared to grow out of his mouth. Fur sprouted at the back of his neck, his hair on his head seemed to be growing longer by the second. I watched in horror as the bones shifted under his skin as if something was trying to get out.

It then dawned on me that this wasn't any ordinary fall out my brother and I usually had, he truly was furious with me. I felt the fear bubble up in my belly and sweat began perspiring on my back.

"J-J-J-Jason." I stuttered out as fear held me in its iron grip and the graveness of this situation settled in.

I frantically backed up, but tripped over my own feet and fell on to my rear end. I then heard pounding footsteps and Cedric's voice? I couldn't tell, I just backed away from Jason as he continued to advance on my cowering frame. As if, it gave him a sick thrill to see me scared of him.

Third cover attempt because I am a persistent person I want my covers to make me feel like: "HELL YES THAT IS MY BOOK RIGHT THERE!"
and not like: "Oh yeah? That pathetic attempt of a book is mine. Shummy isn't it?" Ya feel me?

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