S.T.H. Chapter Seven

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Surrender To Him

I frowned deeply and already began regretting what Cedric had asked of me.

"This is ridiculous. There's no way that I am going to-"

"I never said you could argue with me on this. You are going to do as I say." None other than Cedric cutting me off in mid-sentence and held a defiant stance.

Screw him.

Maybe you should, Whispered my wolf. I knew she was merely kidding with me, but I still wanted to physically strangle her.

Oh, shut up. What do you know anyways?

She didn't answer my question, but instead, I got an ignorant dog bark from her.

Great. Now she's mocking me.

"Fine, sure yeah, whatever. I'll do that for you later. Let's just go home." I began turning back around and heard a deep chuckle escape him. He truly did know how to annoy someone to the point of insanity.

"You're going the wrong way." Cedric drawled out in an amused voice. I swear, if he wasn't Alpha I would be ripping my shirt off and fighting him like a Kung Fu master. But of course, I would probably lose because I have zero, zilch, fighting experience and no bra on at the moment.

Believe me, you do not want to see a woman jumping around without a bra.

Oh, wait, not unless you're Cedric, of course.

"No, I thought I saw something." I murmured and turned around and began heading through a thick bush of berries and thorns. I would rather look like an idiot than give him something else to rub in my face.

I take it back, I would rather feel stupid for being unable to track my way home than have to go through this bush of berries.

Ignore the pain, ignore the pain, I chanted repeatedly in my head.

"Sure, and how are things coming along over there in that bush of thorns?"

"Why you can't find high-quality berries anywhere else around here," I forced a smile and fought my way out of the bush whimpering and whining all the way.

"Don't even think of making a joke out of this. Just point me in the right direction and I'll be out of your hair." I said something before he could speak up.

Honestly, this is why I hate myself at times. I just overthink things and then I have to make excuses thinking that it will make up for the stupid mistakes that I did before, but instead, it just makes me look even stupider and oh my gosh do I despise myself right now.

I really did not want to hear Cedric's crap about how "smart" I was forgoing the "correct" direction, but I knew better than that. He and my brother always have to poke fun at me from time to time. Especially if I made a stupid mistake such as this one.

Cedric rolled his eyes and held up his pointer finger. He pointed it north-west and told me to go that way. I said a quick thank you and made sure to sprint away.

Don't get me wrong, okay.

Cedric is a nice guy when he wants to be.

Sure he's a pain in the as-behind, but he usually means well.

I think.

My mind drifted from Cedric to Cecilia. She and I have been friends and I haven't called her at all or texted. She was probably feeling out of the loop and I definitely needed to inform her of what's been going on.

Surrender To Him (Werewolf Romance) 16+Where stories live. Discover now