"You know it already Aaron," I said with my head bowed down. I can't lie looking into his eyes.

He was silent for a long time after that. His fingers kept trailing over the bruise on my cheek gently. A sharp inhale of breath as his fingers reached my lip, which was split open, made me look up at him to find his eyes glistening with unshed tears and raw emotions making me gasp.

"Aaron." My voice broke through his hazed state and in one swift move, he scooped me into his arms and held me tight.

"Shh... It will all be fine,"he said more to himself than to me.

"I know Aaron. Please calm down," I said placing my hand on his racing heart, which kept pounding in his chest with a speed I never knew was possible.

We remained in the position for few moments after which his hold on me loosened slightly.

"Fuck! I am sorry. Did I hurt you Muñeca?" he asked searching my face for any signs of discomfort.

"No Aaron. I am good," I answered.

"You really don't know those bastards who did this to you?" he queried after few moments of silence, making my heart pickup speed.I simply shook my head.

"Think of it Thea. Maybe you saw them somewhere. Or maybe you heard something from their conversation," he prodded.

"I can't... I can't think of it Aaron. Please let it go," I pleaded. I am this close to breaking down, and I don't want it to happen in front of Aaron.

"It's ok. You don't have to. I will find them and make them pay," he promised.

"No. No Aaron. You can't do that. You shouldn't. They are dangerous. They will hurt anyone who comes their way. Don't do anything stupid," I said in almost hysteric voice. Why can't people just let it be?

"Are you crazy Thea? We can't let them walk free after what they did to you. They can come after you again damn it," he reasoned.

"No they won't. I was just in wrong place and wrong time Aaron. They won't be stupid enough to try it again. Please don't do anything Aaron. I don't want to see them ever again. Please promise me that you won't try to find them. I don't want to get hurt again Aaron. I don't want anyone to be hurt. Please let it go," I begged with tears running down constantly.

"Thea, baby, please stop. Nothing will happen to you or anyone. I am here now. I promise I wont let anyone hurt you Muñeca."

God. Why is this boy so dense? He can't stop them. No one can. They are vipers.

"Please let it go Aaron. I don't want to relive it all. Finding them would mean going through it all over again. I can't do that. I am not strong enough," I said hiding my head in his chest. Making it about me is the only way to make him let it go, and I wasn't completely lying either.He groaned before he finally gave in.

"I am sorry Muñeca. You are right. You won't have to face them ever again. I promise," he said with a sigh making me hold him tighter.

"Can I come in kids?" Kay called from the door.

I shifted from Aaron's lap and took a seat beside him. Not that Kay minded, but I don't want her to get any wrong ideas. My emotions were already all over the place after the kiss incident, and I don't want her to confuse me anymore than I already am.

I kept my eyes fixed to floor not looking at her to let her know that I wasn't okay with her letting Aaron in when I specifically said not to.

"Ali, I am sorry baby girl. He had these puppy eyes, and I couldn't say no," she spoke sitting on my other side.

"But I asked you not to," I whined.

"You did. But I couldn't let you fall back into depression baby girl."

"I was fine."

"Yea. You didn't leave this room since that evening. You wouldn't eat more than few bite of anything. You know where all this was leading Ali?" she said in her mom voice.

"I know. I was trying," I said hoping she would understand. I was really trying though. I don't want to fall back into that dark pit of depression anymore than she does.

"I know baby girl. I also know you need him to make it better," she said softly making me nod.

"And now that Aaron is here, maybe you can go back to your work. How is your boss surviving without you? It's been two days already," I said trying to lighten the situation.

"Well, he will have to do it. I took leave for one week," she shrugged.

"One week? Seriously Kay?"

"What? I never use my leaves. They come handy at times like this," she answered.Just like that, our conversation took a lighter turn but Aaron was yet to speak a word.

Throughout our conversation, I could sense his eyes constantly on me and by the time Kayla retired to her bed his silence started to suffocate me.

"Aaron. Stop doing this," I sighed.

"Doing what Muñeca?"

"This silent glaring thing you are doing... its frightening,"I replied lowering my head.

"I am not glaring Thea. I am just... I don't know. Spacing out may be. I didn't know I was doing it until you pointed out. I am sorry I frightened you..." I stopped his blabbering by placing a finger on his lips.

"Aaron. Breathe," I commanded with an amused smile playing on my lips making him nod with a sheepish smile. As soon as the realization that it's the first time I smiled since two days hit me, my smile dropped immediately.

"It will get better Thea. We will get over this," he promised collecting me into his arms and protecting me from another of my demons like he always does.


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