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10 years ago.

July 2009.

'God don't let me be late,' I kept chanting it like a mantra as I entered my new school building. Being late on the first day of your school doesn't give you a pretty impression and if you are one of the new admissions, that'll be worse.

Being the attention hater I am, I planned everything with utmost perfection. I came yesterday to collect my schedule and went exploring the school building so that I won't be lost in hallways finding my way to class.

All my planning went down the drain the moment I overslept. Yesterday night, sleep evaded me due to my nerves and it was almost around 4 am in the morning that I finally managed to sleep.

By the time alarm rang at 7 in the morning, I was too deep in the world of dreams that I don't even remember turning it off. Aunt Kayla, seeing my perfect planning yesterday, thought that I was getting ready for school.

By the time she came to call me for breakfast, I was still asleep. Her booming laughter woke me up with a start. No warmup, no smooth transition, one second I was deep into the world of dreams and the next, my eyes opened wide watching in confusion as she doubled with laughter.

Still not in a state to form a coherent statement, I raised my eyebrows making sure to let her see my irritation on being wakened up unceremoniously.

Laughing uncontrollably, she pointed towards the bedside watch and my eyes followed her movement. The moment my eyes comprehended the hands of the watch, I jumped down the bed already halfway into the bathroom.

Half an hour later, which included a hurried shower and stuffing up my face with Kayla's best chocolate syrup pancakes we were in her car. I think she broke almost every traffic rule in this small town but thankfully, I was dropped at the entrance of my school 10 minutes before school started.

I hurried into the school building determined to get to class before it fills up so that I could be spared from any possible curious glances and judging whispers.

Walking through the hallways, I took my schedule out and made my way towards my supposed to be first class according to what I learned yesterday.

After walking through few corridors filled with people, I realized that I entered the building from the back entrance today unlike yesterday and now, I am lost amongst these huge corridors which all jumbled to form one big puzzle.

I clutched a crumpled schedule in my hands. I unfolded it and scanned the schedule up and down then looked around and crumpled it again.

"Why is this so confusing!" I huffed.

I had already spent 5 precious minutes fiddling with my stupid top locker. I'm a sad 5'2 and the top lockers locks are a whole head above me. It's like the principal saw me and said "give that midget a top locker make her life hell".

"STUPID NEW SCHOOL!" I muttered under my breath.

As I continued to crumple and uncrumple my schedule I heard an urging cough from behind me. At first, I didn't turn around, but when I heard the cough again I turned around. My eyes were met with a chest making me back up until I meet curious crystal blue eyes.

"What is 'so confusing' beautiful?" He asked with a smile on his face.

I flushed crimson at his words. If he could hear that comment, he surely heard my comment about his school too. Wow girl, great way to start your new school.

"Are you lost, little girl?" His question was more genuine this time.

I looked into his eyes hoping he would help me and nodded slightly.

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