V. Sparks and Bolts

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Astraea walked into the tower, a ghostly feeling taking over her, she had left this place last in a fight with her dad, and without powers. "I'm home!" she called out, and trumped to the lab, she wanted to make some adjustments to her mask, she just weren't feeling the masquerade vibe. "Atraea, I- What is that?" Mr. Tony Stark himself said from the door. His daughter ignored him and kept working. "Let's talk in a bit, okay?" he said and walked out the door. She 3d printed a mask out, it was an anonymous face, fit to her face, it was still purple of course. She looked at it and pursed her lips, it needed some edge. Astraea grabbed a hammer and recklessly broke some jagged parts off. Perfect she thought. The girl picked up the mask and ran up to her room. She changed out of her suit into leggings and the sweatshirt Peter gave her when she was last there. Astraea hadn't given it back and she wasn't sure she ever would.

Astraea was lying upside down in her bed when her dad came in "Straea, Can we talk?" She sat up, the blood rushing to her head. "Sure." She told him. "I'm sorry, I just didn't want you to do something rash. You can be an avenger if again if you want." Astraea smiled softly, oh did they have some things to talk about. "Um, can I be a shield agent, and an Avenger at the same time?" She asked acting innocent. "You probably can... Wait what?" Astraea chuckled and walked over to her father and reached her hand out to shake. "Nice to meet you Tony, I'm Agent Zero." She said and Tony just stood there, jaw dropped. "Shut your mouth your gonna catch flies." His daughter laughed. "Shield Agent? Agent Zero?" He asked, she gestured to her hand, he looked and she made a purple flame. "Oh boy" He said, rubbing his hands down his face.


"That's it, combine the magic with your physical fighting." Tony encouraged his daughter from the corner of the room. The two of them had forgiven each other and now Tony was helping her train, she was going to be an Avenger, working with shield. So naturally, her hero name was just Agent Zero. Astraea was fighting Wanda, Tony had gotten her out of the prison, just to help his daughter train. It wasn't everyone, but it was a start. Astraea was grinning, winning the fight, until Wanda hit her with a blast that knocked the air out of her and blasted her into the wall. She fell to the ground and groaned. "That hurt." the younger girl groaned out. "I'm just gonna stay down here, if that's okay with you." Astraea heard a new laugh from the door. It was Peter, he walked over and helped his girlfriend up. "You okay?" He asked her and lightly touched her head, it was bleeding. "Yep, just peachy." She chuckled. "That's enough for today Wanda, thank you." Tony told her, she walked out of the room winking at Astraea and Peter on the way. "So, You're wearing his sweatshirt, and holding his hand. Pretty sure I know what this means." He sternly scolded the two kids in front of him. "Sorry dad, but we were in the middle of a fight, and I didn't really have a chance to bring it up." His daughter pleaded with him. "It's fine, I saw it coming anyway. But Parker, you and I are gonna have a talk." He told Peter. Oopsy


While Peter and Tony were talking Astraea busied herself by messing around with the Iron suit she and her father were working on for her, She was getting deep into the mainframe when things started sparking, it didn't bother her though, she liked it, that is, until it exploded in her face literally. She started laughing like a mad woman. "Woah", She sat there for a few minutes, examining the wreckage. The young girl then decided she should probably clean up before dinner, Pepper was coming over again. She was trumping through the halls on the way to her room when she bumped into her dad. "Woah explosion on Isle Straea, what happened?" he said, not trying very hard to hide his amusement. "Shut up. Just so you know, my suit had some serious malfunctions." His daughter told him. "I suspected so, go clean up, Pepper's coming, and Peter's staying too." He told her, brushing some debris off her cheek. "That's what I'm doing!" She shouted back as she began to walk up the stairs.


Astraea, Pepper, Tony, and Peter were sitting at the dinner table. Talk about awkward. Tony and Pepper wouldn't stop flirting like the old farts they were and it was starting to get really uncomfortable. "May Peter and I be excused?" Astraea asked, very loudly. "Yes, but no kissing!" Her dad sternly told the two of them, Peter's face turned tomato red and Astraea just rolled her eyes and walked out of the room. "So, wanna watch a movie?" She asked Peter. She hadn't really gotten to spend time with him and well he was her boyfriend after all. "Sure princess." He told the girl, beaming in front of him. As soon as the two of them got into the movie room they flopped onto the couch, Astraea heard Peter's chuckles following her movement. "You look like a beached whale." He almost giggled at her , Astraea's heart swelled at his laughter "Shut up and join me Peter Piper." She taunted back, the two of them giggled like idiots while tickling each other, Astraea finally decided she should probably start a movie before her dad started to think things were suspicious.


"Okay, Agent Zero, this is Agent 69, a.k.a Julie Thorne." Fury told the young girl. Astraea walked up to the woman he was referring to and shook her hand. She looked to be around twenty five years old and had dark hair tied into a very messy ponytail. "Hey there, welcome to the dog pound." She grinned at Astraea and reached her hand out for her to shake. "We call it the dog pound because they lock us in here until we get our work done." Fury rolled his eyes and responded. " I do not lock them in here..." He trailed off and Agent 69 giggled. "Anyway, Zero, this is the research hub, this is where you can get all the information you need on baddies." He told her. "Got it Baldy, I'm Tony Stark's daughter remember? I know how things work" She told him sarcastically. "Okay then get out of here." He told her.


"Straea, can you get the door?!" Tony Stark yelled from his lab, the doorbell had just gone off and he was working on his daughter's Iron Suit, even though she didn't need it anymore. The young girl ran over to the screen on the wall to check who it was "F.R.I.D.A.Y. Door camera view please." "Here you go Miss." She looked at the screen while responding to her. "I already told you to call me Straea F.R.I...." She trailed off as she saw the figure at the door. It was One of the guys her father had shut down on the Manhattan clean up project." Astraea took a deep breath and ran to put her suit on. Once she had it on she ran to the door ready to open it with a magic blast ready in her hand. "F.R.I.D.A.Y, have main defenses on standby." She told the AI, she needed to be ready for anything. Okay, 1... 2... 3! She whispered and opened the door on three The man just chuckled. "Not a smart move little princess, now we know who you are." He chuckled and Astraea just grunted. "F.R.I.D.A.Y. Blast him." she growled as she walked back into the tower. As she shut the door behind her , she could hear the yelling and the sound of the blasters from the scene she had left, but it did nothing to soothe her.

A/N: Sorry Lovelies, this chapter is short, and I didn't have the energy to make an aesthetic for it. LOVE YOU ALL! The next chapter will be better I promise, and I'll give you some Peter Fluff! ;)  Also shoutout to JuliCorn22 a.k.a Agent 69! Thank you for your support! <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05 ⏰

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