ii. lies

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"Soooo, Dad. You never told me how civil war went" Astraea had finished her first week of school and she was loving it, Peter was so amazing, that she, maybe just maybe, could have been developing a crush on him. It was a Saturday and she had been trying to squeeze some information on civil war, as he called it, for the past hour, but the girl had gotten nothing out of the man. "I told you Straea, it went great, we finally agreed on something." he sighed. She didn't buy it. "So, the Sokovia Accords are being executed?" His daughter pried some more, hoping to hear about more than just the ending. "No, I decided against that." he told her, his hands running down his face, she could've sworn he got more wrinkles while he was gone. "You decided against it? Or the team decided against it." She asked, her father was acting weird and this was one of the first times she hadn't seen or heard from at least one of the Avengers in this long. "I gotta go hon, we can talk later." Astraea huffed and rolled her eyes as he walked out of the building. "Fine, leave me to find out on my own." She whispered to herself. He forgot she was raised by the Avengers, recon was too easy.


Astraea stared at her phone screen. She had texted Peter and had been waiting for a reply for over an hour.

PRINCESS STARK: Hey princess parker, I have a question for ya

WEB HEAD: what's up Princess??

The girl's heart lurched when he called her Princess. But she had to stay focused. She needed to find out what was up with her dad.

PRINCESS STARK: So... Tell me about Civil War.

WEB HEAD: I mean if you really want to know, Civil War was pretty cool, why do you ask?

PRINCESS STARK: My Dad keeps telling me everyone came to a peaceful agreement, but he's acting all weird, and I haven't seen any of the Avengers for a while.

WEB HEAD: Peaceful agreement? No. We fought for a while at the airport, then Cap's team escaped with the quinjet, I don't know what happened after that ,due to being benched by your dad, but I know that Cap's team got locked up in the end. 

PRINCESS STARK: Oh we bout to have a talk. Thanks for the tea Pete!

WEB HEAD: Anything for you m'lady.




WEB HEAD: Please don't tell your dad I said anything.


Astraea's blood was beginning to boil. Sure, her dad had lied to her plenty of times before, but the Avengers were like her family. Cap was like an uncle to the girl. She couldn't believe that her dad had done this to them. No wonder he wouldn't let her fight, he didn't want her to stop him. 

                                *TIME SKIP BROUGHT TO YOU BY CAP'S SHINY SHIELD*

"I can't believe you!" The young Stark screamed at her father. "Astraea Stark! Are you kidding me right now! You won't even listen to me!" His daughter slammed her door shut, not willing to listen to him anymore. The two of them had been fighting for an hour and she didn't have the energy to do anymore yelling. Suddenly, she heard a click, she quickly ran to the screen on her wall and cursed. Her father had locked the girl in her room. But there was one thing he forgot. She was a Stark too. Astraea had hacked the system before and she could do it again. She began to work as she tied her hair into a messy bun, Oh how she hoped he wouldn't see this coming.


Iron Daughter // Peter Parker x Tony Stark's DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now