iii. candidate

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Astraea had packed a small backpack full of clothes, food, and loads of money. She was planning to run away, but something stopped her. Sure the lock had stopped her, but she finished hacking that old thing over an hour ago. What stopped her was that she loved her father, that was for sure, but she would come back soon right? "Hey, Straea" Tony said from the other side of the bedroom door. "Can we talk honey?" his daughter sighed and used the remote by her bed to open the door. "Hey, pretty sure I locked that." He said, eyebrows raising. "Yeah, I'm a Stark too ya know." "yeah. I always forget your smarter than me." He told the young girl as he sat on the edge of her bed. "Can you listen to me now?" Astraea sighed and turned towards her father hesitantly. "Fine." he chuckled "That's my girl, stay strong willed, it suits you." She smiled softly in response. No matter how mad the girl got at her father, he always knew how to make his daughter smile. " Yes, we fought, and yes Cap's team is locked up, but I realized he was right, and I want to get him out, just not yet." He told her bluntly. "Okay, I believe you, but I think you should get him out right now, and his team. They're like a family to me dad." He sighed. " I will, just not yet." Astraea didn't agree with this, but she nodded, she was so tired of fighting with him. "Soooo, can I be an Avenger now?" He chuckled but something was different then all the times before. "Let's see if you can fight." Astraea's mouth dropped to the floor as she wrapped her arms around her father.


Stark's daughter had gotten her fighting uniform on, designed to be breathable, flexible, but protective, it was perfect. And the best part was that she herself had designed it to look like a normal outfit. Combat boots, leather jacket and all. She had based it off of a shield agent she once met when she was younger. "Okay Peter, don't go easy on her, she's vicious." Astraea heard her father say to Peter. Peter was her opponent it seemed fit to be fair. "I think I got this Mr. Stark." The girl silently chuckled under your breath. That's what you think. Her dad blew a whistle to start the fight. Peter instantly rushed at the girl in front of him and she quickly dodged out of the way. He fell on his face, but quickly got up and rushed at her again, she threw a punch and hit him in the stomach, but he didn't stop, he webbed up the girl's hands, so she roundhouse kicked him in the face when he came in close proximity to land one of his own punches. He fell to the ground and groaned. Astraea chuckled and dropped to the ground next to him "Still think you got this Spiderboy?" "It's Spiderman to you Princess." He groaned, she giggled. "Okay, okay, enough flirting, You win Straea You can fight with us, but you have to be safe, got it? If it's dangerous, you leave." He told his daughter, this was a big step, he was putting a lot of trust in her, but this was what she had been raised to do her entire life. How was she going to be ready if she never got the chance to learn. "Got it" She said from Peter's side on the ground. "Okay, welcome to the Avengers Astraea Stark." His daughter hopped up and pulled Peter with her. She couldn't help but smile and giggle, she quickly began to dance around the room in happiness. "Um, Mr. Stark, Does this mean I'm an Avenger too?" Peter asked, innocently. "You can fight with us, but you can't be called an Avenger until you beat Straea" the girl giggled from the corner at Peter's face. "THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE!" he gasped.


It had been a week since Astraea became an Avenger, she hadn't done anything really, but train. She was in her last class of school that day, when an idea popped into her head. What if she freed Cap's team?

"What?" Tony asked his daughter, as he was playing Mario Kart against Happy "Where is Cap's team locked up?" She asked again, trying to act as innocent as she could possibly muster. "You're thinking of freeing them aren't you?" He asked her, staring dead into her eyes. "No, what?" She was only good at lying when it wasn't your dad. "You are! That is insane, I was right, you aren't ready to be an Avenger." He sternly told her. "What? Dad No! You can't do that!" She desperately choked out, this wasn't fair! "Yes. I can." Tears began to run down her face. Her dad never understood, she quickly ran out the front of the tower, and into the busy streets of New York. 

Astraea had been walking for a while, going nowhere, when it got dark and began to rain. She cursed, she was wearing a tank top and leggings. She never changed out of her training clothes. The girl began to run tears falling down her face. She ran to where Peter described his apartment to be. She knocked on the door, tears still falling and soaking wet. Peter opened the door and the girl immediately fell into his arms, sobbing. He wrapped his arms around her softly and put his head on top of hers. "Astraea, we need to get inside, your soaking wet and shivering." She tried to stop crying, but tears were still falling as she nodded. He grabbed the girls hand and led her inside his apartment He wrapped one arm around her shoulder and led her to the kitchen. He lifted the girl up and sat her on the table, he then left to get a towel. "Oh my goodness! Honey you must be so cold!" A woman told the girl sitting on the table as she shuffled into the kitchen, Astraea guessed she must be Aunt May. Peter came back with a towel and wrapped it around her shoulders, as he rubbed her arms up and down, trying to warm the shivering girl up. "Here I'll lay towels on the couch so you can sit there, and then I'll make some hot chocolate." Peter nodded at his Aunt in gratitude and continued to rub Astraea's arms. As soon as May got the towels down Peter carried her to the couch and set her down gently. "I-I-I C-Can W-wa-alk-k" She tried to say. Peter just chuckled and wrapped his arms around her, Astraea hesitantly leaned into him. She hadn't known Peter for very long. But she was pretty sure he meant more to her than she was prepared for. The two young heroes sat like that until Astraea finally stopped shivering and then Peter gave her one of his sweatshirts to put on and May gave the girl some leggings. Peter sat back down on the couch with her and was about to wrap a blanket around her when his phone rang. He picked it up and answered it. "Yes Mr. Stark?" He answered. Astraea cursed. "Yes she's with me right now." She sighed. "Yes sir, I'll tell her." He hung up the phone, then wrapped the blanket around her once more. "Your dad said he's going on a one night trip, he'll be back tomorrow." Tears began to roll down her face. "Hey, hey, what's wrong?" Peter asked as he attempted to wipe the tears off the girls cheeks. "He said I can't be an Avenger anymore, and he doesn't even care that I left." She sobbed out. Peter engulfed the shaking girl in a hug, her tears soaking both his sweatshirt that he was wearing, and the one she were wearing. "I'll talk to him about the Avenger thing, and yes he does care, he never calls me." He assured the girl. She stopped crying and smiled before pulling away slowly. "Thank you. I should probably go home now."  "I'll drive you." May told her quickly. She declined, saying she needed fresh air. Peter walked her out of the house, her clothes in a Walmart bag. "Astraea, I can't take you on a proper date yet, but can I kiss you?" he asked her in a quick blur of words. She immediately hugged him. "Yes Pete" Peter pulled his head from the hug and moved one of his hands to cup her cheek, softly connecting his lips to hers. When he finally pulled away he was grinning, Astraea looked so beautiful there, wet hair, shiny eyes and pink cheeks. "Will you be my girlfriend?" Astraea gasped before pulling him into another tight hug "Of course I will."


Astraea began to walk home, about halfway there, when a dark figure stepped in front of her. She immediately jumped into the  fighting stance she had been perfecting all week. He chuckled at her and she grinned, she did love it when people underestimated her. Astraea threw a punch but he caught it. "Woah, woah, woah, calm down, I just want to talk." The dark figure had a very familiar voice, "Who are you?" She demanded of the figure, if she was going to listen she needed to know who they were first. The figure stepped into the light and the girl let out a gasp. It was Nick Fury. "Holy {insert beep here}" Fury chuckled at her response "I've been monitoring you for quite some time now." He told her "Creepy dude." Astraea remarked. What the crap was he doing watching her? "I need you to come with me so we can discuss some things." "Okay... But I need to be back for school tomorrow." She told him, keeping it light. "We'll certainly do our best, wouldn't want to worry Peter now would we?" He told her with amusement evident in his voice. "You're seriously creepy dude, you know that?" She shot back as she slowly began to follow him.


"HOLY CRAP! THIS IS A HELICARRIER!" Astraea exclaimed, she was in a helicarrier, obviously. She thought they had all been destroyed. "So Shield is still like, a thing?" the girl inquired, it seemed to be still fully functioning. "Yes Young Stark Shield is still a thing." Fury told her, the girl had been with the man for over an hour now, and she was pretty sure that she had annoyed the socks off the man. When the two of them got to a room at the edge of the helicarrier the entered a room with large table with seats around it, Astraea chuckled quietly at her thoughts the round table of King Arthur  "sit, we have things to discuss, this might be a long night.


Iron Daughter // Peter Parker x Tony Stark's DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now