iv. like magic

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"My Mother?" Astraea asked Fury, not sure what he was saying.

"Yes, you have powers. You inherited them from your mother." He told her. "What kind of powers?" She asked, the girl was very confused, and rattled, but she tried her best to seem nonchalant. "Magic." He replied. "Magic." She repeated. "Yes. Dark, purple, magic." He told the girl sitting in front of him, her legs bunched in front of her, grabbing her arm. "Dark Magic." She stated. "Yes, Dark Magic." Fury confirmed. "Your mother was a dark fairy that worked for Hydra, when they were active, you're father had no idea." "How come I've never figured this out, or accidently used my magic?!" She exclaimed, understandably panicked. "We hired a magic expert here, as soon as we found out that you, Astraea Stark, had magic, he says you won't be able to use it unless you know about it. Now let's go, no more questions, we need to train, you only have three hours before school starts, so let's go." He sternly commanded Astraea, she got up slowly, hesitantly and followed him.


Astraea had been training for about an hour and a half, The magic was coming naturally, it felt like she had been using it her entire life. It's funny how in the span of thirty minutes your life can completely change, just like that she thought. Astraea's magic was eerily similar to Scarlet Witch's abilities, with a few extra abilities on the side. This whole thing was crazy, and she was about to collapse from exhaustion. The young girl sat on the ground when Fury threw clothes on her lap. "Get ready for school." He told her, She groaned and slowly got up and trudged to the bathroom.


When she was ready to leave for school, Fury drove Astraea in his large black SUV. When she got there he stopped her from opening the door and handed her a wallet. "You're a shield agent now, got it? And you need more training, come straight to us after school." His eyes were very stern, well eye singular. "Got it." the girl assured him, as if she had a real choice. "Welcome to the team Agent Zero." She smiled and got out of the car. Woah


It was Lunch time, and Astraea was at her locker, putting her books away, when someone wrapped their arms around her shoulders. The girl jumped, ready to attack, then she realized it was Peter. "Hey Pete." His girlfriend greeted. "Hey Princess, what's up, you looked about ready to pass out in Science this morning." He asked her, it was true. She was extremely exhausted. Fury hadn't let her sleep at all last night. "I didn't get any sleep last night, I'm exhausted." He tilted his head like a puppy, a confused look on his face. "How come?" He asked the girl, clearly worried. She almost told him when she saw Ned coming towards the two of them. Flash hot on his heels. "AWWWW! OTP!" Ned squealed. Astraea giggled, she was pretty sure Ned had been trying to get the two of them together since her first day of school. "Barf, Ash You'd be much better with me." He told the girl in front of him, she simply scoffed "In your dreams dip-wad" She remarked, the girl didn't like to be too mean, but he deserved it. She was about to walk to lunch when Peter, once again, asked why she didn't sleep last night. Astraea sighed and looked up at him. "Wanna come with me to grab something real quick? Ned will you save us a spot?" She felt bad about leaving Ned out, but Peter was the only one who could know about the whole Shield fiasco. The young Stark pulled Peter down the hallway before he could protest. "What's going on?" He finally asked when she had stopped. "Okay Okay, Okay so this is what happened... Try to believe me, and try to keep up."


"Do I have to get a new suit?" Astraea asked Fury. It was after school, she had gone straight back to the helicarrier, apparently she was going out on patrol today. "No, we just need to add a mask." He told her, of course the girl thought secret identity. Fury handed her a mask, the mask was sort of like a mask you would wear in a masquerade ball... interesting choice, but purple, just like her newfound magic. He also handed her the suit that she wore when she fought Peter. "Now go change."

"Where are ya baddies. Let's get some action out here." Astraea whispered to herself. She was perched on a roof, waiting for some action, when suddenly she saw a man running with a gun, and a bag. Finally she thought. Astraea jumped off the roof, and used her magic to keep herself from from hitting the ground. "Hey you! It's not nice to steal!" The girl shouted and he turned around, pointing the gun right at her face. She was ready to misdirect the bullet as soon as he shot it, but before he could even get to that step, a web knocked it out of his hand. "She's right Mister. Now let's make this easy, hand over the money." Spider-man swiftly landed next to the girl clad in purple. "Not a chance spider. I don't know who you are little girl, but you don't know what you're messing with, you evilly grinned. He underestimated her. Astraea used her magic to bring him towards her, she roundhouse kicked him then used the magic to throw him into a building wall. He fell to the ground and groaned. The girl walked over and picked up the bag of money and threw it to Spider-man, or Peter I guess. "Sure about that buddy?" She asked him as she took the cuffs from her jacket pocket and cuffed him up. "He'll get you, when he figures out who you are." The man groaned, and Spidey shot a web at his mouth. Astraea giggled and pulled the walkie talkie from her belt. "I got him. Send pickup." She spoke into it got it Fury replied from the end. "So, agent zero you're pretty cool. Do I know you from somewhere?" Peter joked from behind his mask. Astraea giggled softly . "Don't think so, But I know you." She teased, He grabbed her hand "Is that so?" He inquired. "Woah there Spider Boy, not in the suits. Not yet at least." Astraea told him, it would be dangerous for the both of them if Villains knew the two heroes were dating. "You're no fun. But I get it." He agreed. Fury showed up with a van "Good work Agent Zero, Spiderman" He told the both of the young heroes. "Yes sir." She laughed at Peter's formality. "Sure thing one eye." If she was good at anything, she was good at annoying Fury, and she loved it. "You know Agent Zero, you remind me of a woman I once knew. Carol Danvers." He told her and she grinned. He was proud of her.


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