Gasping, I helped her stand up by holding her right arm for support. I mentally slapped myself for being so dumb. "I-I am so sorry." I quickly asked for an apology as I bowed my head.

As the old woman dusted off her dress, she faced me and gave me her smile. "It's okay. But watch out next time, okay?" Gosh, she's just like my mom, so sweet.

I chuckled and nervously scratched my head. "O-okay."

She then furrowed her eyebrows for a moment while squinting her eyes, making me look around in nervousness. Then, she passed me her lovely smile once more. "Have we met before, young lad?"

This time, I furrowed my eyebrows as I sent her a questioning look. "I'm sorry, but I think this is the first time we meet."

"Oh. I'm sorry, I must've caught the wrong person. You just, remind me of someone." She chuckled.

"Someone?" I questioned as she nodded in reply.

"That was when my granddaughter was still young, very young. It was years ago, so it's kinda hard to remember. Especially that I'm very old right now."

"I understand." I smiled.

She smiled back and bowed her head as her goodbye. "It was nice meeting you, young lad."

As she walked away, I waved my hand and yelled, "Have a good day, ahjumma! (old lady)."

~end of flashback~

"Me? I remind her of someone?" I questioned myself while pointing to my chest. "Nah, curiosity may be killing me but, let's not mind on other people's lives." Sighing heavily, I grabbed my pillow and covered my face with it.

• • •


|Yura's POV|

As I got to school, I quickly headed to my locker and placed the books that weren't needed for the first two subjects. After shutting it, an unfamiliar voice rang against my ears. As I turned my head, I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion as I sent her a questioning look.

"Yah, Han Yura." She called.

Glaring at her unfamiliar face, I walked passed her and ignored her rude greeting. "Yah! Did you not hear me? Freak?" She yelled this time, catching everyone's attention along the halls.

Shaking my head in disbelief, I tried to suppress my anger and continued to walk away. "Han Yura! Yah!" As I continued to ignore her stupid yelling, her voice slowly faded and I finally arrived to my classroom.

As I got inside, I saw Areum talking to Sanha. "Hi oppa, can I seat here?" She asked, pointing to the seat beside Sanha with his bag placed on it.

He smiled at her and shook his head. "Sorry Areum, this seat is occupied. Er.. reserved rather."

Disappointed, Areum childishly pouted childishly and replied, "But it's just your bag."

Scoffing at her expression, I headed to the left side of the room and took an empty seat. As I fixed my bag, someone yelled my name. "Hi Yura!" He exclaimed whilst beckoning me to approach him. Well, you already know whose voice is it, that high-pitched one. I quickly looked away and rested my head on my hand and faced front as I waited for our teacher.

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