"Bukky there is no harm in giving her what she wants once in a while" he smiled and opened his black brief case. He took out a wand of cash and counted twenty five thousand, he handed the money to Mary who excitedly collected it.

"Thank you dad!" She smiled and rushed to hug him.

"Mom hold onto this for me" She gave her mom the money

"Okay I'll be on my way now, take care of yourself and behave while I'm gone" He stands up and hugged his wife.

"I'm also getting late" Mary said and hurriedly took her bag.


Mary was happily humming a song as she made her way to her class. She passed the art class and was about to pass the science class when she collided into a hard surface.

She looked up and came face to face with a scowling Dean causing her smile to vanish.

They glared at eachother waiting for the other to apologize or move out of the way, but their pride didn't allow them to.

Two minutes later and the glaring contest is still ongoing, none of them wanting to be the first to break the silence or heated look.

Dean was feeling more than annoyed he was furious, since the first day Mary showed up at school she has been nothing but a thorn in his flesh.

Everyone at school worshipped him, he was the guy every boy wants to be like and girls flocked around. He did whatever he wanted and no matter what he does, good or bad people praised him.

No one has ever spoken back to him but Mary had the guts to insult and challenge him. He had to teach her a lesson and he had to do it soon!.

Marys frown hardened "Won't you apologize for hitting me with this wall you call a body?" She angrily asked.

"If you weren't blind you could have seen me coming, Ms bat!" Dean scoffed

"Excuse your mannerless self, you can't just hit a girl and not apologize, didn't you learn that as a child?" She screamed

"Yes, but you are not a girl you are a bitch!" Mary gasped at the insult

"If I'm a bitch then you are a foolish, insensitive son of a bitch, chiwawa like you" She hissed and walked away

Dean watched her back as she walked away with anger blazing in his brown eyes.


It's free period and Mary and Angela are at the library, doing their assignments.

Mary might not look like it but she is very serious when it comes to her academics, even though she is an average student she puts in her best and tries to make her parents proud.

They finished their work and started talking about random stuff when Angela suddenly turned serious.

"MJ i don't like the way you get into arguments often, it's like you are a magnet for trouble" Mary looked at her with a frown

"Are you calling me a trouble maker?"

"No that's not what I meant, I mean you should stop fighting with all these people, diane and her crew are the baddest girls in this school and Dean is like the king here. All this people can seriously hurt you if you keep fighting with them" Mary scoffed at what Angela said

"That's what makes fighting with them more fun babe, they are all high and mighty here, nobody gets in their way but my awesome self. The more I fight them the more my popularity gets boosted" She laughed while Angela just stared at her like she is crazy.

"Don't bother your brain thinking about all that, just leave it all to me" she patted Angela's head.

They packed their books and headed back to their classroom.

Everyone was with their group of friends, talking, playing games and reading their books. All in all the class was Noisy.

They got to their sits and Mary took her bag. But it felt light. Her eyebrows creazed, she quickly opened her bag and found it empty.


"Who took my stuff!" She screamed causing everyone to stop what they were doing and look in her direction.

"Will somebody fucking answer!" She screamed causing them to flinch.

She started staring them down one after the other when she saw Dean standing by the window with a smirk on his face.

Her anger reached a new level. If she was a cartoon her head would have caught fire and blown already.

"Good luck finding your stuff" Dean said with a victorious smile.

"You fool!" She screamed as he walked away.

She started looking round the class, on the floor, under the tables, other students lockers but she didn't anything.

"Mary...." Angela called her across the class

"What is it?" She harshly asked

"Uhm...Your stuff is right here" she stuttered

Mary immediately ran to Angela who is standing at the door side beside the dustbin.

Mary peeped into the dustbin and Nearly screamed her head off.

That Fool threw her stuff into the dustbin, the dustbin!

He threw her well organized, maths set, handkerchief, textbooks and her Notebooks!.

He was going to pay and he will pay dearly for ruining her stuff.

Thank you all for taking the time to read my book.

I apologize for all the grammatical errors.

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