And life goes on

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Mako woke up around noon. He had a late night last night

Asami was attending a ball with her father. Business stuff and whatnot. He did have a load of fun though. He hasn't danced like that in years! Asami just brought out the fun part of him. He loved that the most about her

He got up and went to the kitchen, expecting to see Bolin there. But to his surprise, he wasn't there. "Must still be sleeping" he thought to himself. He walked to the table and took two dumplings and walked to the couch. He sighed as he took a bite of the dumpling. He had to get to work in a few minutes. He wanted to talk with Bolin before he left. He was hoping to catch him at breakfast. But it looks like he is still asleep.

He would just have to talk to him later. He finished his first dumpling and put the other one in his pocket

He got up from the couch and walked to the door

As he walked to the door, he noticed his brother's room door was open. He became confused, he walked to the slightly open door to see if his brother had awoken yet

As he opened the door, he was surprised to see that there was nobody in the bed. He looked around the room to see any sign of Bolin

He started to panic a bit

He was hoping that there would be any trace of his brother, at least something out of place

He then remembered that Bolin left for Korra last night. He then thought maybe he slept there...

He smiled to himself, "Bolin, you sly dog" he muttered too himself. He left the room and walked out the door, feeling a lot better. He took his dumpling out of his pocket and began eating it

Bolin awoke with a fresh mind

He finally managed to get some sleep last night. Without that damn nightmare he was having lately. He then felt something move against him.

He looked down to see a sleeping avatar on his chest

He smiled to himself, "If only you weren't out of reach" he thought to himself. She snuggled closer to Bolin in her sleep, Bolin couldn't help but blush

She was sleeping on him like a pillow, it was cute. He looked out the window, it was around noon. He thought it best to go back to sleep, he put his head back down and closed his eyes

Not long after Bolin fell back to sleep, Korra awoke

She felt so comfortable. Like she was sleeping on Naga, but it wasn't Naga, it was Bolin

She looked up at him, she saw that he had a goofy smile on his face. She felt her face warm up

She felt so at ease, like the role of the avatar didn't matter anymore. She just felt...


She laid her head back down on his chest, listening to the soft beats of his heart

She felt herself drifting into sleep. She snuggled into his chest, sighing heavily. She closed her eyes and let herself drift off

Mako walked down the street to his job at the factory. He was a bit early though, so he took his time.

He took Pabu with him today because Pabu gets lonely at home without Bolin

Pabu rested on his shoulders as they walked slowly towards the large building

Mako was a few meters away from the building. He saw something familiar in the distance. It looked like a car, with a woman leaning against it. She looked like she was putting on makeup

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