Professor Penguin Face

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Bolin was so excited, he has been preparing for this day for weeks. He had a bunch of flowers and cupcakes and a note.

He memorized a poem and brought new cologne. Today was the day, the day he confessed his feelings to the Avatar. He has been in love with her from the first moment he laid eyes on her.

She was the one. He practiced his poem one more time in the mirror and put on some extra cologne just in case. He was ready. He smiled to himself. He then made his way to the staircase that led to the roof. As he came to the door, he took a deep breath, the moment he walked through that door, there was no turning back. He started to have second thoughts, but he was determined to tell her. He opened the door to claim his prize, but as soon as he opened it, the world turned upside down. Korra and Mako were there, in each other's arms, kissing.

"I love you Mako".
He then sprung up from his bed and started panting heavily. He looked around the room and processed what happened. "It was just a nightmare" he told himself. Bolin laid his head back down on his pillow. He was having that same nightmare the whole week. It was driving him mad. He didn't know how to get rid of it.

He forgave his brother, he sorted out things with Korra, why was he still having these nightmares? He looked through his window and saw it was morning. He got out of his bed and walked to his closet. He took out his normal robes he wears and got dressed. He then made his way to the kitchen to get something to eat. As walked to the kitchen table, he saw a note laying on top of a bowl of dumplings. He grabbed it and opened it. "Gone out with Asami, be back later" he read out aloud. He then put it aside and took the bowl of dumplings and walked to his couch. He sat down and started munching down his dumplings.

He finished it rather quickly. Once he was done, he just sat there, thinking. He couldn't stop thinking about his dream. He tried so hard to get rid of it, but nothing seemed to work. He started thinking up ideas to solve his problem. Nothing came to mind. He decided to deal with this later. He got up and made his way to the hatch on the floor. He then made his way to the gym to practice some moves. He went to the locker room first. He needed to put on some proper training gear.

He slipped into his training gear and went to the training room, he was about to enter, when he heard noises from the other side of the door.

It sounded like someone was punching a punching bag. As he opened the door, he saw multiple punching bags open on the floor. Sand covered the floor of the court and grunting sounds coming from around the corner, he walked to the source of the sound, as he turned the corner, a bag went flying past him.

He then looked at the direction that the bag came from. He saw the Avatar standing there. She looked angry and upset. Her hands were bloody and swollen. Bolin quickly hid behind the corner. He was sure she didn't see him, he hoped so anyway. Shit, she looks pissed, he thought to himself. He then heard a thump, followed by weeping. He peeked around the corner to see what happened.

Korra was kneeling on the ground, her face in her bloody hands. Bolin slowly walked towards her. "Korra?" Bolin called out with worry. Korra looked up, her eyes widened as he got closer. She then crawling backward. Bolin continued to approach her. Korra soon knocked against the wall behind her. Bolin then got down and down on his knees and pulled Korra towards him. He hugged her tightly as she began to cry again. "Shhhh" he cooed. "It's going to be alright". She planted her face into his chest. "He doesn't love me!" she said into his chest.

They remained like this for a little longer. She kept repeating that Mako didn't love her. Hearing Mako's name was making Bolin sick. His own brother has made her cry. He wanted to go out and find Mako and beat ever living shit out of him.

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