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I was in my hiding place in the attic of the Overwatch base.  It had been several months since I became a double agent between Talon and Overwatch, but this wasn't my first time working with Jack Morrison.  Gabriel, Moira, and Sombra were here as well.  We were on friendly terms with mostly everyone, but I didn't care.  I wasn't happy or sad, not even angry for being here, and I definitely wasn't afraid of either side figuring out I was smuggling information between both bases.  Gabriel had warned us against saying too much about Overwatch to Talon since apparently he still had a soft spot for some of the agents, but I didn't care about either side.  I was in this for my own gain.  I saw a flash of pink light from the corner of my eye and looked over as Sombra appeared.  "Hello, Amelie~" she smiled some.
"How did zhou find me?"  I glared at her some.  She shrugged.  "I just happened to find out that you were here.  I've had this translocator her for a while now."  She gave me an innocent smile.  I rolled my eyes.  "Of course."  I get up, hoping to get out before she gave away my location to the others.
"Amelie, you can stay..."
 "I'd razher not.  Merci."  I open up the attic door and slide out, walking off to the room Overwatch had given me, hoping to avoid anyone else.  Instead, I ended up being followed by a familiar noise that stopped in my doorway.  I didn't need to look to know who it was.  I pretend to be busy with something, not looking towards the door at all, so that the annoying Brit would lose interest and blink off.
She never did.  Instead, she piped up after a few minutes.  "'Ello, love!"
I sigh.  "Salut..."
"How are ya?"
"I was good."
"Was?  Aw, that's won't do."  She blinks into my room without invitation and gives me a hug, causing me to react and push her away on instinct.  She stands there for a second, eyes wide, before she shakes her head and relaxes.  "Sorry, love.  I should have asked, huh?"
I snort and glare at her.  "Yes.  Zhou should have."
"Oh... well, I'll remember tha' nex' time!  If you ever need to talk about anything I'll be around!"  She grins again and blinks off.  I really hate Lena sometimes, and I loathe Gabriel for making me work with her.  The same goes for Sombra.  Both of them are unnecessarily cheerful and lively.  But I guess I prefer Sombra, since she's more useful on missions than Lena, who really only seems to blink or recall when it benefits her instead of others.  I walk over to the door and close it, sit down on the bed, and then grab my journal.  I begin to write down everything I hate about all of my coworkers.  Some lists are shorter than others, the longest lists being Gabe, Jesse,  Sombra, Moira, and Lena.  The shortest lists were Hanzo, Genji, Baptiste, and Akande.  I nod to myself as I read the lists, then put the journal back where I got it.

Akande: Too soft.
Baptiste: ^
Genji: Stupid.
Hanzo: Hard to read.
Gabe: Gives away positions w/ guns, dosen't use ammunition, throws guns when they're empty -whether they're his or not-, horrible mood swings
Jesse: Clothing choice, playboy, smokes all the time, slight alcoholic, flirts too much
Sombra: Talks too much, gets distracted too easily, dosen't pay attention, hacks everything too often, cheats in games, dosen't fess up to things.
Moira: Bunnies, kind of a diva, takes things without asking, always experimenting on us even if we say no, doesn't know the definition of 'no', kind of sadistic, a fucking bitch.
Lena: Too cheerful, clingy, touches people without permission, uses her chronal accelerator to get out of arguments, dosen't understand anything, doesn't pay attention, can't go anywhere without blinking at least once, has no idea what a plan is.

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