The Average Workday (Reaper 76)

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I was sitting at my desk when I got the call that Talon had broken into one of the other bases and open fire had begun.  It was unclear which side fired the first shots, but I got up and quickly called in a few of our agents, more specifically Lucio, Reinhardt, Mercy, Zayra, and Tracer.  We formulated a plan as I drove us to the location and dropped everyone off at key spots before getting out at my own.  I kneeled at the back door, aiming my rifle inside as I counted down from ten.  Suddenly, but not surprisingly, a few of the Talon agents run out.  I took them out and advanced, moving inside.
Lucio and Reinhardt had come in through one of the side doors of the base, Zayra and Mercy had come through another side, and Tracer had come in through the front to take out Talon's agents.
I watched my guys fall before they could get out of the back door and shook my head.  They weren't supposed to have attacked the base anyways.  Only scout it.  I catch the glint of a rifle sight aiming at me from the door and shoot in it's direction, hearing the familiar grunt of my boyfriend.  Moira looks at me and shakes her head.
"He's never going to let me hear the end of that, is he...?" I grumble to her.  Moira laughs.  "I should think not, Reyes."
"Right... let's just get our agents cleared out."  I grumble to her.  She nods and continues directing the few branches of Talon troops out of the building.

Later that night I was sitting on the couch, lounging back on it, deciding that Jack's reaction would be funny.
"So... how was your day at work, sweetie?"  I tilt my head some.
"You fucking shot me.  That was my day at work, asshole."  He growled.  I put my hands up in defense.  "Whoa, babe.  I didn't mean to do it.  I didn't realize it was you until it was too late."  I laugh some and put my mask aside.
"Why do I put up with you?"
"Because you love me?"  I bat my eyes some.
"Yeah, okay, whatever."  He shakes his head and hangs up his coat.
"Get over here, sweetheart.." I pat my lap for him.  He scoffs slightly, but comes over anyways and sits down.  I begin rubbing his back gently, watching him relax.  "You need to relax more often, Jackie... you're so stiff..." I kiss his neck gently and wrap my arms around him, laying back on the couch.  He sighs and closes his eyes some as he comes down with me, relaxing even more.  I chuckle again and the two of us snuggle up.  I continue rubbing his sides and neck to relax him more, tsking as he begins drifting off.  "We still need to eat dinner, sweetheart."
"I'm not hungry..."
"Awee, but I made your favorite~"
He sighs some and gets up.  I grin at him and do the same, then take him by the hand and lead him into the kitchen.
"This doesn't change the fact that you shot me."
"I know it doesn't."  I shrug at him as I set the food on the table and watch him dish some out for himself.  I get us some glasses of water and set them down on the table, then sit down for myself and dish out some food.  We eat in a rather comfortable silence, but I can tell he's still a bit pissed off at me.  Yeah, he's never letting this day go.

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