Roommates (Hacked Cyborg)

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     I was on my phone texting my girlfriend Olivia when Sombra came into the room.  She threw her bag of books into the chair beside me without looking up from her devices.  I rolled my eyes some and finished writing out the text and sent it, then put my phone away.  "Really, Sombra?"
"What?  I need to put my bag somewhere."  She shrugs slightly.
"We have a spot for our bags over there!"  I point to the shelf and hooks that are by the door where they're easy to use.

"Well, it's too late now."  She shrugs and walks off.  I sigh and pull my phone back out of my pocket.

'Ugh, my roommate never fails to be the worst.'
'Heh, same.  We need to meet up sometime so we can rant about them in person.'
'Yeah, we've been together for two years now... it's about time we saw eachother face to face.'
'Yeah, when are you free, Sparrow?'
'Never XP
Just kidding.  Saturday night all night.  You?'
'Same!  We can meet up at 6:00 and go on from there, si?'
'Yeah, that'll work.  We can meet outside the mall for starting off.'
'Sweet!  We can think up details then.  I've got to go get started on an essay.'
'Alright, good luck!'

I get up off the couch and pick up Sombra's bag to take to the shelf.  I'm suddenly nervous.  I was going to finally meet my girlfriend in person.  I was now realizing that I'd never actually seen her face and would just be going off instinct.  Could this be catfishing?  No.  I trust Olivia and we met through some of our other online friends.  It will be fine.

      I'm waiting for Olivia outside the mall in a light green tuxedo, leaning against the wall some.  As I scan the area for her I spot Sombra walking towards the doors.  She's dressed nicely and seems to be looking for someone.  She had said that she had a date tonight as well, the mall must be a common spot for people to meet up.  I look back towards the parking lot when my phone vibrates gently.

'I'm at the entrance of the mall and I only see my pissy roommate.'
'Are you sure you're at the right entrance?'
'I'm wearing a green tuxedo if that helps...'
'No.  No fucking way.'
'How did you--?'
'Look up!'

I look up.  Sombra is coming over to me now, so I put my phone away.
"You're Sparrow?!"  She looks as confused and betrayed as I feel.
"And... you're Olivia."  I state, looking her over.
She sighs and gets back on her phone.  I do the same with mine, scrolling through our old messages where we spent time flirting, ranting about our roommates, and being sweet with eachother.  Everything was clicking together.  My emotions were mixed and new questions formed as I pieced everything together.

"Well, mi amor.  We can still try this out."
"Yeah... a love-hate relationship... are you sure it's healthy...?"
"It works for Jack and Gabriel."
"Yeah, true.  How does Olive-/ia/ Garden sound?"
"Oh my God, Sparrow."  She cracked a small smile and lightly shoved me.  "That would be perfect."

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