I was afraid to look, but I did. I got on my knees and crouched over this mysterious sleeping beauty next to me, to see her face. She was facing away from me, with her face buried in her arms. It was then that I noticed there were no pillows on the bed. And I noticed the "bed" was actually one full sized mattress on the floor. I also noticed when I crouched over, that I had on white cottony boxer briefs also.

Where the HELL did I get these? Does this woman have extra man panties for sleepovers?

I guess she didn't have any man sized beaters, cause I didn't have a shirt on. Of course, it could be around here somewhere. Who knows.

I leaned way over her, to see if I could see her face inside her arms.

I might have been able to a little, but her long brown hair was also all over her face. It was sprawled out behind her, above her, and in front of her. It was beautiful, really.

She was beautiful. Now watch her have a mustache and crows feet. No one could be this perfect, right? Hahaha.

Well, before I got caught leaning over this strange woman whom I may or may not have had sex with last night, I'd better get back to my side of the bed.

So I did.

I layed back down and wondered where the HELL I was, as I looked around the strange plain room that had no windows. Trying to calm my dizziness.

The girl next to me must have heard me moving, because she began to wake up.

THIS is gonna be AAAAAWK-WARD.


I thought I felt something move around me. But who? And why is my head spinning? Did I drink last night? What DID I do last night? Wait...did I take a nap? My monthly birth control shots always make me so tired the next few days. Is it day time? I'm sooo confused. Soooo groggy. What the hell?

Ok. I'm in bed. I know that. I can feel it. But...where's my stupid pillow? Ouuuuch, my neck.

I'm cold. I feel like crap. I must be getting sick. And WHY can I NOT remember going to bed....or anything?

I opened my eyes. I could barely focus. Oh. My arms are in front of my face. Why am I like, not aware of my body? I feel WEIRD. Something is NOT right.

I opened my eyes more. Rubbed them. Got the hair out of my face. Where is my hair clip? I HATE sleeping with my hair down. It gets everywhere. Even in my mouth. Then I wake up and have to pull a long ass hair out of my throat, and I gag.....it's not fun.

I looked across the room. There was a door. A white door. It looked like a metal sliding door. The walls were white, too. My apartment walls are light brown. WTF? This is not Brooke's place, either. Her walls are all different colors.

There was a single light on the corner of the ceiling. Ok. Weird spot for it.

Oh yeah! Why did I feel someone move near me? I was probably dreaming....I rolled over....

My eyes widened. There WAS a man laying there next to me. Staring straight at the ceiling.

Holy shit! Who the HELL is that???

What the HELL did I do last night?

Who is this man in my bed? This isn't even MY bed!

HE has a really ugly crib. That's all I can say.

As soon as I rolled over, and thought those split second things, HE turned his head slowly over and looked at me. Strained his neck and all. It was like he didn't recognize me. He looked pretty confused.

Out of Desperation Came Forever AfterWhere stories live. Discover now