chapter 1

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Nico pov:
I woke up to half of my body dangling off of the bed. The reason why? Will was dragging me.
"Deathboy, time to wake up!" Will exclaimed, continuing to pull off my limbs.
I rolled of the bed and manage to take down Will with me.

"Ha! I win!" I shouted in victory as I laid on my boyfriend.
"Pfft. What do you win? 'Whack-a-boyfriend'?" Will asked sarcastically, rolling out from under me.
I 'harumphed' and got up. We got dressed and went to breakfast.

After breakfast, I shadow taveled myself and Will to platform 3/4. The most made it look like we had entered the way we were supposed to. We almost immediately bumped into Harry Potter, Ron, and Hermione. Our blessings informing us of who they were.

Potter jumped almost 10 ft in the air. He turned around angirly.
"WHAT THE FUCK?!" he shouted at me, not yelling at Will because he was behind me.
That was unfair.
"Uh... Sorry? I dont really mean it now, but it isnt really polite to scream at strangers. Now we're even." I saw somewhat petty-ly. Whatever. Even if he does have PTSD, he shouldnt yell at other people because of it.

"Nico." Will said sternly.
I sighed.
"I'm sorry that I was rudely yelled at after I accidently bumped into someone." I apologized, if you could call it that.
"Better." Will approved, nodding his head.

"What are you? His bitch? Obedient little dog." Harry shot at me snottily. Okay, now that was uncalled for. I used my powers to put a dark aura around myself. I made my eyes glow Greek fire green. I glared at him with all of my power.
"I recognize that scar anywhere. Youre the one who has a weed adicted person as a last name. Wonder why you let Cedric die? Shouldve been you. He wouldve done better things with his privilage of survival." I told Harry Potter, glaring my scariest glare.

Yes, I know, that was a low blow, but I couldnt help it. Nobody brings will into my fights. Yes I realise it wasnt directed at him, nor was it mean towards him, but when someone mentions Will during a fight, I go into full overprotective mode. Before things can escalate, Ron and Hermione drag Harry away. I noticed a redhead girl, Ginny Weasly, Hecate's blessing told me, was watching the golden trio with disgust.

I turn to Will.
"Sorry" we said at the same time. "What?" I asked confusedly.
I waved my hand, motioning for him to elaborate.
"Sorry I told you to apologize. That guys a jackass, but I didnt want you to get into a fight before school even starts. And a reminder: we're going to be his teachers. We can give him all the Fs possible. Once he realises we're teachers, his face will be priceless." Will explained.
I smirked, " good thinking, Sunshine."

Time skip to train ride:

Will and I get on last, we were a little preoccupied. We found an empty-ish room and went inside. It had the redheaded girl from earlier, a girl who looked kind of like Annabeth but pale, a guy who had dark hairish brown hair, and a guy with blue hair.

"Do you mind if we sit here? I'm Will, and this is Nico." Will introduced us. Everyone nodded.
"I'm Ginny, this is my girlfriend, Luna. That's Neville and Corey. And yes, its fine if you sit here." The redhead answered sweetly.

"I saw you earlier talking to Harry. I'm sorry about him. Hes my ex boyfriend. He used to be nice and all, but his PTSD changed him." Ginny apologized sincerely.

"Oh, no, dont apologize for him. Hes not your responsibility. Hes in control of himself, not you. Anyways, we have a plan to get him back, dont worry." I reassured Ginny.

"Wait, you guys are around are age, what are you doing here?" Corey asked, somewhat suspiciously.

"We're here as transfer students. We are students but also are going to teach classes. Basically, we have half of the student classes, then we teach for when regular students would be finishing the other half. I'm the potions teacher, and hes the Defense against the dark arts teacher." Will explained for me.

"Really? You look more like the dark arts than the defense against it." Observed Neville, nervous of my reaction.

I chuckled, "thats what I said, but they told me to do it anyways."

Everyone either nodded in agreement or cracked a smile.

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