Sixth scene...

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This scene takes place when Reyyan is taken by her grandfather, and he's threatening her life... My perspective of the scene and how Miran could have saved her, on episode 6...

When Miran enters the room, he can't believe his eyes: Reyyan is standing, in the middle of the room, and someone is pointing a gun at her. His heart immediatly stops. He must think quickly and figure a way to take Reyyan out of there safe and sound.
After all, that is exactly what he had been afraid to happen: Reyyan is about to be killed for a stupid mistake he made, trusting Yaren, so that they were caught inside the Sadoglu's mansion:
Keeping his voice low but firm, he immediately threatens:
- Don't do anyting stupid. I'm pointing a gun at you... You shoot Reyyan, I shoot you. And believe me, I will.
He heard the harsh voice of Nasuh:
- How dare you come here?! You're scum, nothing but scum... you threw the Sadoglu's name in the mud and now you worry about Reyyan? Our honour must be cleaned, our honour...
Miran senses the old man is losing his temper and suddenly he feels his adrenaline pump all over his body... He has to do something to take her out of there, before Nasuh pulls the trigger:
- Don't you dare hurting her! She's not to blame!
- You should have thought about that earlier!
Hazar and his wife enter the room, right behind Miran and are horrified with the situation. Zehra immediately starts to cry and to beg for her daughter's life. Hazar begs his father to put the gun down, but Nasuh refuses, roaring like an animal:
- Why do you care for this girl, Miran Aslanbey? She's not your business! She ours, so leave, or I'll kill both of you!
Reyyan doesn't even breathe, she knows her grandfather doesn't mind about her being dead and a bloodshed as long as the Sadoglu's honour is avenged. Fearing for her parents and especially for Miran – yes, she fears for him -, she realizes she lost anyway, so she suddenly takes her grandfather's hand and puts the gun right in the middle of her forehead, and she whispers:
- Do it, for Alah's sake, do it, once and for all! If this is what it takes for your soul to rest, do it! DO IT!
Everybody in the room froze. She meant what she said and they all could feel she was playing no game. Miran feels suddenly powerless, Nasuh is about to kill her in front of everybody and he can't bare the simple thought of losing the woman he loves. He then shouts:
Then, Miran analyses the scene and realises he has a better way to save Reyyan's life and force Nasuh to let her go. He can listen to Hazar and his wife crying to Nasuh so, he looks at Yaren – comfortably enjoying the show not far from him, and grabs her by the arm. Then, he looks at Nasuh's and simply says:
- You kill Reyyan, I kill Yaren. Your choice.
The old man freezes. His enemy has his little girl, the light of his eyes and he is pointing the gun at her. That's a low trick but, then again, both of them are there to settle scores and will do what it takes to make sure they'll do it.
- You dman you! Let go of my grandaughter immediately! She's got nothing to do with this!
- Reyyan is innocent too! Why are you so eager to sacrifice her?
Nasuh feels he can't risk Yaren's life, who has begun to tremble and cry, begging her grandfather to do as Miran's said. Cihan is in panic and begs for his daughter's life, asking his father to release Reyyan. The whole scene is a chaos, but neither Nasuh nor Miran seem willing to give up. Their eyes sparkle with hate and tragedy can happen any second. However, a few seconds later, Nasuh suddenly let go of Reyyan, but Miran keeps holding Yaren next to him. As soon as Miran feels Reyyan next to him, he holds her and whispers – never stop staring Nasuh - «You're safe now, I got you». He then says:
- Very well... I'm taking Reyyan with me. It's obvious she can't even return to her family's home without risking her life. In my mansion, I'll guard her with my own life so she's better with me than with you.
In the meantime, Reyyan's parents were hugging her and kissing her. Seeing Miran didn't keep his word, Nasuh shouts:
- You son of a bitch! I released Reyyan, you release my granddaughter right now!
- Do you think I'm stupid? I'm taking Reyyan with me and Yaren is coming with us until I feel we're safe, do you understand? Any slight attempt to hurt me or Reyyan and I'll shoot your precious Yaren, are we clear? Once we're safe, I release her!
Miran leaves the room, holding Reyyan's hand and pushing Yaren in front of them, still pointing the gun at her. Azat and Cihan leave behind them, giving them space to run 'cause they feared for Yaren.
Nasuh realises there is nothing he can do: he can't risk Yaren's life, so he let them go. But he then cries, so that the entire palace hears, and especially Miran and Reyyan, that just got out the gates:
- Damn you, Miran Aslanbey! You and your entire family will pay for this! And you will all pay with blood and tears! Don't you dare touching a single hair of my beautiful Yaren! I will follow you and hunt till the end of times, do you hear me? I will skin you alive, you bastard!

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