Twenty-eighth scene

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Miran is dead. Reyyan's heart died in that crash too and she will never be the same, again... What will she do, now? Will it be possible for her to rise from the ashes and smile again? Will she be able to honour his memory and find the strength to find her happiness?

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I need to go to a place... the place where the swing was... where I was happy for the first time... please... I have to say goodbye to my beloved Miran...

Zehra was with her husband at the hotel bar, having a cup of tea, as they were both trying to set their minds straight. A lot had happened the last twenty four hours... from the hope of having her daughter finally happy with Miran, to his tragic death, their lives had been through a merciless ordeal and there was nothing they could do about it.

Hazar looked at his mobile, once more: Nasuh had been calling him for hours, probably to celebrate the death of Miran but Hazar just couldn't answer. It was his daughter's happiness, after all, that had been shattered to pieces. Enemy or not, Miran was the man she had chosen to love and to cry for. And he had to respect her will, no matter how ridiculous that was. He had to face it: deep down inside, she was not a Sadoglu. She had been mistreated by almost all of the clan – actually only he and Azat had been there for her. So, why would she feel sorry for all that had happened to the clan, after all? Why would she feel sorry for all Azize had done to them? But, above all, he just couldn't ignore the fact she sedated, in that hotel room, after crying like a desperate soul, for the loss of her other half... It was so painful to see her like this and not being able to do anything to help her ease her pain... He was feeling so powerless... How could he make her happy again? Only bringing Miran to life but that was more than he could do! Giving her the moon would be easier and bringing that bold and fierce young man back...

Zehra was in silence, watching her husband's facial expressions: she knew he was in conflict, she knew he was in a crossroads, because he had to choose what to do next. She then asked him:

- What's on your mind?

He took a long deep breath and looked at his wife, who was as anxious as he was:

- I really don't know...

- Aren't you gonna answer the call?

- What for? To rejoice and celebrate that young man's death? – Hazar then hid his face in his hands and began to cry silently: - If only you had seen the car... I can't help to feel but sorry for him... and for Reyyan... No one should lose its first love like this, in such a tragic way...

Zehra touched her husband's shoulder, touched by his sadness:

- When will be the funeral?

- The funeral... If only they had something to bury... the body was completely burnt to ashes... I really don't know. I talked to responsible for the investigation, Emir Buruk, and he just told me they suspected Miran's death hadn't been the result of a car accident, after all...

- What? What do you mean? And why do you say the body...

- There is no body, at the moment, however the forensics are doing the best they can, but we have to be prepared for the fact that there may never be a body left... Zehra, Zehra... you didn't see what I saw, the car was completely destroyed and everything inside it exploded...

- Yes... but do they suspect it was something other than an accident?

Hazar looked around them, to make sure they were not heard:

Reyyan and Miran... a story of love and hateWhere stories live. Discover now