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Star Struck News!

39.4K 392 31

Dear Readers —

I have some exciting news for you guys! I have completed a new novel that I will be posting on Wattpad as a free story. As soon as I get it all set up to start the posts, I will put an excerpt out there for you.  I might even get a chapter or two posted as soon as today (April 13, 2020).

I'd like to take a second or two to thank everyone who has read "Star Struck!" We're creeping up toward 400,000 views and to me, that's fantastic! I hope that my latest story, "Delilah's Tears" will be as popular.


Read on below for "how it all happened" for me with "Star Struck":

So, two years ago funny thing happened to me. The story I decided to post on Wattpad suddenly went crazy with readers. Every few minutes I was being pinged with notifications that there was another new view. Within the span of a weekend, 700 views became several thousand, then ten thousand, and onward. The readership of my Hollywood romance continued to climb at a furious pace.

I'd decided to post "Star Struck" on Wattpad as an experiment a few months prior, not knowing what to expect. I'd heard lots of good things and read a few stories to check it out. Turns out, I'd gotten lucky and was selected to be on Wattpad's Featured List for a month, which explained the amazing response. A few months later, I even made the first cut on the Watty's.

Someone in Wattpad Land must like me, because I've been invited to participate in yet another exciting opportunity. You may have heard about the Paid Stories Program. Last year, the good folks at Wattpad invited me to submit my story to this new program.

To you, the reader, this means you'll get to "taste" the first few chapters of Star Struck and decide if you want to keep reading. At that point, you'll have to buy coins to unlock subsequent chapters, and find out what happens to our heroes, Eve and Gray.

As a romance author, being compensated for the hard work of creating characters, their storylines, their dilemmas, their heartbreak, their emotions, their growing love story, and their ultimate HEA (happily ever after), is valuable. It took close to a year to write the first draft of the story. Then, over time, to hone with multiple edits and one very extensive rewrite before I felt it was ready for the world (that would be you) to see. If you worked on something so diligently, you'd love to earn a little money for it, right? Every little bit helps. When you pay for chapters, you're telling the author you believe in them, appreciate them and want to see them succeed.

Thank you for supporting me and other authors by participating in the Paid Stories Program. It means the world to every writer.


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