"When you were gawking at your fugitive."

Fumes escaped from Kiba's head as he looked at Sasuke. He had always annoyed him and now it's even worse that he knows about Kiba's little crush on Almeria. He wished that the Hokage had sentence him to death or at least life in prison. He was quite mad when Lady Hokage assigned Sasuke to the mission, he would've felt better if it were someone he trusted like Shino.

"Come on, let's get some rest. There's no use in staying out here and freeze to death."

Within a few minutes, the five guys found the inn and got two rooms for the five of them. Kiba, Akamaru, and Naruto in one while Neji, Shikamaru, and Sasuke were in the other.

"Tomorrow bright and early we attack," Neji said.

"We need to catch them off guard," Shikamaru suggested.

"Yeah, they're pretty strong and we could hardly beat them last time." Naruto mumbled.

"That was because Almeria was fighting so now they have a disadvantage. It seems that she was their strongest and now they're weakened." Sasuke said.

Everyone has fallen asleep except for Kiba. He laid on his back staring at the ceiling thinking about Almeria.

"I can't just let her freeze out there. No one deserves to freeze to death."

With his keen hearing, Kiba could here that Almeria was now awake and struggling to get free. He could hear her teeth chattering and her heartbeat beating getting slow. She was going to die within a few hours and he couldn't just lay there and listen to her last heartbeat. Kiba got up from his bed and got dressed. He wasn't having her die on his watch. As he stepped outside, a huge gust of wind came knocking him back a little. A snow storm was approaching so he had to act fast. Quickly he approached Almeria who was still trying to escape.

"Get away," Almeria said weakly.

"I'm here to help," Kiba said as he bent down to her level.

"Liar, you're here to finish me off."

"No, I can't let you die like this. A real ninja needs to go out with style. This is just a pathetic death."

Almeria looked up at Kiba seeing the determination on his face. He was actually telling her the truth about setting her free. She stopped struggling to let Kiba cut the ropes.

"What is your real reason for setting me free? I'm a criminal remember?"

"Are you going to question everything or get out of here before you freeze?"

She stared at Kiba seeing a certain look in his eyes that she didn't recognize. The look that he was giving her was a look she's never seen before. Whenever someone looked at her, she always saw hate and fear. Once the ropes were cut, she weakly stood up and looked at Kiba.

"Your friends are just over the mountain there,"

Kiba then takes off his jacket and hands it to her.

"Take this, you must be freezing,"

She looks up at him with surprise. Why would someone who hated her do something so nice? Kiba now realizing she can't put on the jacket because her hands are cuffed, he wraps it around her.

"Get going before someone notices." Kiba urges.

Without a word, Almeria runs towards the mountain as best as she could. Climbing the snow covered mountain will be hard without chakra. It wouldn't be as hard if there wasn't a blizzard on the way, she use to climb this exact mountain as a kid without chakra but she's also severely injured from the villagers, there's a blizzard on the way, her hands are stuff cuffed together, and one arm is broken. Once she reaches the mountain, she looks up at it.

"Seems bigger than I remember," Almeria mutters to herself.

Not wasting any time, she painfully climbs up the mountain. Despite the pain she is in, she keeps going. The only way she could get up the mountain successfully is to concentrate and take her time. As she hoists herself up with her arms, her legs have to be quick and make contact with the ledge then push up so she can reach the next ledge. She must do this in sync or she will fall. As she was halfway up the mountain, the blizzard hit. Right as her feet made contact with the ledge, they slipped. She started to fall but grabbed onto a ledge a few feet down.

"Crap," She growled.

As she looked up, she saw she still had a ways to go. Then she remembered something from her childhood. There was a small cave just above the halfway mark. If she could just make it there, she could rest for a while and be out of the blizzard, maybe even make a fire. Her limbs ached with exhaustion but she had to keep going if she wanted to survive. The blizzard wasn't making anything better.

"Damn dog, if he wanted to help me he should've taken off these cuffs. Climbing the mountain with these on makes everything worse."

Finally she has reached the cave. Quickly, she crawled in escaping from the harsh blizzard. In the cave, there wasn't much space to make or fire, or even wood. Sighing, she curled up in a ball trying to get warm. She was exhausted and her limbs ached in pain. She couldn't do anything right now but wait out the storm.

"Hopefully it'll end by morning." Almeria whispered to herself.

In the snowy village, their blizzards are known to last for days. Almeria is hoping for a miracle that it'll be over by morning. She hasn't eaten in days and can't survive another day without food. Her stomach growled with hunger as she tried to get warm.

"I gotta get out of here."

The wind howled outside the cave making her shiver. She couldn't sleep at all because of the cold. Every time she would fall asleep, she would shiver jolting her awake.

"This isn't good. I need to rest but it's too cold."

She looked outside and couldn't see a thing. She sighed and tried to stay warm. She thought back to Kiba who rescued her.

"Why did he save me? I'm the enemy but he still saved my life."

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