Chapter 41 ( He Left )

Start from the beginning

"Really? You want me to leave?"

She challenge me. Tss. As if I'm going to agree with you! No! I'll stick to my plan. I'm not going to live with her for now.

"Yeah. I will be glad if you leave my room right now."

I said without looking at her. She smirked. Shit!

"I think that's not what you really meant to say." She said.

Tss. Seriously, Berlyn. Stop tempting me, will you? Just leave me alone!

"How did you know? Just leave me alone, okay. I don't need you here. I can live without you. Now — leave." I said.

She didn't responded. She's just looking at me as if she's trying to find out if that's what I really wanted. I tried to look like I really mean it but deep inside, all I really wanted to do was make love with her. Right here, right now!

Damn! Even my own self was betraying me! This is bullshit!

"Okay! I'm leaving. But— remember this. The moment I leave this room right now, don't expect me to be here again, ever! I'm leaving now! Good bye!" She said.

With her luggage on her hands, she close her eyes and was about to teleport when I stop her. Shit! I'm dead! What am I doing now? I ordered her to leave, right? Now that she's leaving, why I'am preventing her?

I'm such a crazy jerk! I saw her smiled. Shit! Fine! I lost it again. I just can't bear the fact of losing her, okay. The moment she said that, I've already made up my mind. I don't want to lose her.

Fine! I Can't live without her. I can't wake up every day without her by my side. I just really love her, that's all. Tss. Why I really love this nerd!? Seriously!

"Fine. You can stay here starting tonight." I said.

"Meaning to say we're okay now?" She asked.

"Nope. Not until you say sorry for what happened." I said. She smiled.

"Okay. I'm sorry. I mean it. Even you just misunderstood what happened, I'm still going to say sorry. It's my fault, after all. If I didn't embrace Vladimir that time, you're not going to be furious." She said.

I narrowed my eyes on her.

"You mean you're admitting that you really hug that vampire!?" I said.

I think I'm going to be mad again!

"Hey, relax! Okay. It's just a friendly hug. I've got carried away." She said again.

"Carried away? What the hell!" I said. She rolled her eyes.

"What I mean is— I hug Vladimir coz I got carried away when I find out that he's also falling for Roseshell. You don't know that he's Roseshell's mate, right? Roseshell didn't wanted that her dad figure out about it. That's why I choose to talk with Vladimir about that matter." She said.

You mean those two are mate? The one Abby's talking about was Roseshell and not you?" I said.

I saw how she raised her eye brows and stared at me. Is she jealous with Abby?

"Abby's talking about? What is it that she tell you this time?"

She said half irritated. She's really jealous now.

"I mean— okay. I heard Abby and her friends talking at the cafeteria before. She said that Vladimir was in love and it was you. That's why when I saw you with Vladimir that time, I've got furious all of a sudden." I said.

"And you really believe that vampire!? My gosh, Cley! We both know that bitch — ."

I didn't let her finish her sentence coz she looks like she really wanted to murder Abby now! I pulled her closer to mine and give her an intense kiss.

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