Chapter 6 ( Unwanted Guest, Undeniable Truth)

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Berlyn's Pov:

Days started traversing. After our encounter on my work place, everything has change. Were getting to know each other now.

Were texting and calling. Normal conversation when we're in school. Eating lunch together. Exchanging pick up lines through link which for me was gross!

I didn't figure it out before, you know. Watching hideous movies in my place or his place either way every Saturday and Sunday.

Were always together as long as possible. Except today. He said there's an emergency matters on their pack, that's why he need to go home in Forks with Andrei, Erl and Allen of course. They are inseparable, I think.

I'm alone again, here in my apartment. It's Saturday and I'm taking a rest coz it's my day off also.

I've already missed him. Supposedly, this day, were planning to eat dinner on his place, but it's being canceled coz his dad called him for family matters.

It's okay, I understand that family first. You know, family is love. I've decided to watch a movie when my phone rang. It's Leslie.

"Hi, Bestie. I'm bored today. Can I go there? I brought ice cream and pizza. Wanna eat with me?" She said with giggle.

"Of course. I'll wait for you here. Were gonna watch a series today. You know, vampire diaries." I said.

Oh, how I love Damon Salvatore and Elena Gilbert!

"I love that! Stefan Salvatore, here I come." She said.

Yeah, you heard her right. She really like Stefan. She like a good and nice vampire just like Stefan. But I love Damon. I like his characteristics.

Bad boy image but he gave his all when it comes to love and when it comes to Elena. They are in a toxic relationship, you know.
And I love that toxic relationship.

What about me and Cley? Are we going to be in a toxic relationship? I think I preferred to that. Plain feelings is boring, you know.

I want an extraordinary love story. And with Cley? I think it's going to be a little bit intoxicated.

While waiting for Leslie, I'd decided to take a quick shower. Leslie's house way too far from my apartment. Maybe it takes forty minutes before she arrived.

While in a bathroom, I heard a creeping sound coming from the kitchen. The bathroom is located inside my room, while the kitchen is behind the living room.

I'm sure it's not Leslie, coz everytime she entered my apartment she's always too uproarious. But the sound I heard was too silent as if he didn't want to impart his arrival.

I post haste tackle my towel and desiccate my decipher body. I hurriedly wear my T-shirt and pajamas before getting out in my room.

Holding a baseball bat, I proceed to the kitchen. My heart beat so fast when I smell different unfamiliar scent. Scents came from a werewolves. Not only one, but I guess three of them.

"Hello, dear. Look so surprised?" The mid-thirties man said when they knew my presence in the kitchen. I don't like the way he look at me. As if he's telling me that this is my last day on earth.

"Scared puppy, huh?" The other man said. Maybe he's in late twenties.

"Missed us, sweetheart?" The other one said with a dreadful look in his eyes.

Who are they? I can't remember who they are. But why do I have this feeling that they know me?

"Who are you, bastard?" I said while holding tightly on the baseball bat.

"You don't remember us? Oh, I'm sorry. I forgot that you're only little girl by that time, when we invaded your parents house." The first man said.

"What do you mean? Y-your the rogues w-who killed my parents?"

I asked. Anger begins to traverse inside of me.

"Exactly!" The other one said with a smirk on his bugger face.

"How dare you come back here, idiots! I'll give you ten seconds to leave my apartment or else your all gonna regret coming here."

I said in furious voice. My body begins to tremble not because I'm afraid of them, but because of inevitable force that started to drift through my veins.

My claws begin to tapered and my fangs begin to ridged. I can't control myself because angered started to warm and cold my heart.

What was that? I feel so warm inside while my skin is so cold and look too pale. And I'm not shifting yet. This is the first time it's happening to me.

When I was ten, I learn how to shift as a white werewolf. But this kind of transformation happening to me right now was different from before. What's happening to me?

"What kind of creature are you?" One of the rogues told me when they notice what was happening to me.

All of them look so hilarious.

"You look like a half vampire and half werewolf." The other one said.

" A hybrid!" All of them look to each other and suddenly disappeared in front of me.

What did they say? Me? A hybrid? That's impossible! Those rogues really know how to make fun of me, huh? Why just don't accept the fact that their only afraid of me?

I was smiling by that time when I unexpectedly saw my reflection in a mirror. Oh my gosh! Is it me? What happened to my face? Why do I look like a combination of vampire and a Werewolf?

It takes a minute before I'll be able to get back on my normal feature. I don't know what just happened to me. I'm glad that Leslie didn't come yet.

What if I'll be able to hurt someone in the end? Or worse I'll be able to kill innocent people? I'm so confused right now.

I want to be alone. No- I want someone I can talk to. I want Cley right now. I badly needed him here. I'm so confused. I don't know what to do.

I locked the door and reached for my phone. That's when I saw Leslie's text message. She said that she can't make it right now coz her mom was suddenly not feeling well.

I'm glad that she can't go right now. I don't want her to be perished with my bare hands. With what's happening to me, I'm not sure that I can control myself now.

Not now that I'm so confused. If there's someone I can trust right now, it's Cley. He's the one I just want to be with right now. And I started to dialed Cley's number...

Author's Note:

Well, whose the avid fan of The Vampire Diaries here? Whose your bet for Elena? Is it Stefan Salvatore or is it Damon Salvatore? Mine? For me it's Damon. I like a toxic relationship, you know? Echos lang. But the truth is, I have a crush on Ian Somerhalder. Hahaha. I love Damon...

Dont forget to vote for my story guys... And don't forget to share this story to your family, friends, bff, co-workers, neighborhood, colleague. To everyone, to make it short. Haha. Thank you guys... Love you all...

It's me,


His Mischievous MateOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora