This is no ordinary Omega. Min Fung thought. That was why he didn't seem to be scared of them when they tried to corner him earlier. In fact, he merely gave them an unblinkingly serious look, standing his ground.

He, and his friends, Bai Gao and Liu Kwok, were all Alphas and the moment they sensed the pheromones of an omega, so sweet unlike the others they used to smell, they had begun searching for him around the bar, like crazy.

It was strange because it seemed as though they're the only ones who could sense the scent; even though it was as sweet as hell.

They found him, standing in front of the bar, and by then, their own Alpha pheromones must also have been emanating strongly because of their excitement. They went into their Alpha heat because of the scent.

Some people they went in contact with, showed signs of breathing difficulties.

Yet, when they faced the man who was emanating the scent ; he didn't even flinch. There was no sign of shortage of breath or whatsoever. It was as if he was not affected at all by the three Alphas in heat's collective pheromones.

"Feng JianYu .." For the first time, Min Fung was looking at the Omega in front of him, with not just lust but also fascination, "I'm willing to be taken in for questioning anytime, if it's you..." he said, openly flirting.

Qing was beginning to get really really pissed off, he was afraid that he would blow up if he stayed there longer, "Sorry..But we are on a case!" He growled, and he took Dayu's hand, securing Dayu to his side; glaring at each and everyone of the three men, "come on, Dayu..Let's go..!"

"Hey, Qing...You're just working together right..?" Min Fung said, "I am interested in him..!"

Qing snapped upon hearing that, as he stopped and let go of Dayu's hand before taking several long strides back in a flash. Next thing, everyone knew, Qing had Min Fung by his collar, and his legs were almost dangling in the air. They were almost the same in their built but obviously Qing had way more strength than the latter. Min Fung was trying desperately to shrug off Qing's hold on his collar to no avail.

Even his friends, were rooted to their feet, as they helplessly watched Min Fung at the mercy of Qing's wrath.

"Don't even think about it...!" Qing hissed, his eyes were blazing with killer's intent, "don't look at him..don't think of him...Or I swear..You're going to regret it..!"

Dayu walked quickly to Qing's side; Qing was giving him mixed signals again. One moment Dayu was sure that Qing wouldn't do anything to hurt the man and in another moment, Qing's body language looked like he would snap the man's head anytime.

Not wanting to take any risks, Dayu knew that he needed to interfere.

"Qing..." Dayu spoke, softly, putting his hand on one of Qing's hand, which was gripping on Min Fung's collar like iron.

"Come on..Let him go..." Dayu whispered.

Qing was seriously thinking about snapping the other man's head at the moment; event though at the back of his mind he knew that it's against the law and he's an upholder of the law. He was not supposed to be even thinking this way. But, this man dared to look and think of his person, in 'that' way. It's unforgivable!

"Mr. Min Fung, is it..?" Dayu looked at the man dangling in the air, gasping for breath, "Sorry...But I'm not interested in anyone but Wang Qing..."

Qing heard Dayu's words faintly and felt Dayu's touch on his hand; they were like a cool soothing water, seeping through all of Qing's veins and he began to calm down.

Qing finally let go of Min Fung, setting the man on his feet, with a thud.

And, Qing's pheromones weren't as dangerous and intense as it had been a few minutes earlier; hence, the three men were also able to breath properly.

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