Too Close

129 24 9

At the imperfect web's functional centre,
bull's-eyed. Examine with impunity,
her netting between us, spied from the ventral.
Push up glasses, squint-peer curiously.

She sees... or feels our warm breath (no breeze), pulls in
the whole web, legs tugging widely appointed strings
so centre's squeezed in cephalothoracic* puppetry,
the in-jerk of white/dark-barred brittles anxiously.

Most sinister to us the lack of separate head,
the way fangs seem a fifth pair of legs spaced evenly.
She clasps to a little black bundle, something dead,

something small she sucked out juices to sustain
her, larger than stuck micro-wings she yet disdains.
We tire of arts, architectures. She waits patiently.


*Spiders have a fused head and thorax (muscle part of body) called a cephalothorax. Don't say you thought Thor had a hammer - Haha!

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