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From eager spinnerets are loosed long lines;
hawsers span trodden ways, link hedge to trees.
Ambitious orbs would have the world resign -
the smallest of these spinners wills to seize.

But a greenbottle buffets, bobs her hard;
a butterfly might sweep her from her stays;
she struggles in the middle; caught off guard
a Zephyr-puff ends abyss-bridging craze.

She'll be back and many bigger. When I
depart for holiday I'll tell the birds;
and maybe hedgehogs too will have a bite.

Oh. But spiders have feline allies. Sigh.
When I am gone the cats will write the words
and barbecue my sparrows in the night.


Lunk:: Is this the result of our new re-integration, the comedy sonnet?
Anima: Shakespeare shook some. Lighten up, Lunk.
Gong: Smile, Simian. It's a sunny day!

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