Overtaken by Elegy

227 26 15
  • Dedicated to Robin Williams

Here we are back to long, low lines
of saltmarsh creek, sandflats and dunes,
the wide, collusive Norfolk skies above,

from the vantage of a hardcore bank
beige at its flanks with bleached-dry mustard stalks,
dog-leg shocking bone-white streaks of oat-grass.

All our talk of Robin-Williams films -
vivid cinematography leaps up

along the board-walk which rollercoasters
up and over dunes, marram-haired glee-free,
undulates with bush-lined hollows, "Choo-choo!"
Matt-red multitudes, rarely one ripe black....

and how uniquely, hairy, manly humour,
insistent on sentiment,  tender with friendliness,
the cock-a-doodle-doo of Pan, King of The Moon,
wistful child, or broken-hearted-lover,
slit-eyed cynical conspiracist, scaring no-one
always a manic jest quest, one foot up-to-the-knee
(indelible paint of sad realities),
the other waving cheeky triumph - in-zone
dance on one leg...       
                                How much given to so many
by this single-handed apotheosis
of the quirky-chirpy, eccentric-quizzical
rooted in mortality and smiling up,
dangerous cloud-busting in the buff?

Here on a beach by a salt-bleached base
of fallen tree: "Captain, my Captain.
I salute thee."


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